Chapter 2: the secrets out

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"Y-yes jinnie but pwease don't tell anyone , I'm sworry " Hoseok said now sobbing .

"Baby look at me im not I promise ."
And with that Jin and Hoseok cuddled all night until Hoseok finally fell asleep .


Jin got up to make breakfast , he didn't tell anyone Hoseok was a little except namjoon . I mean namjoon already knew he saw the signs and he constantly caught Hoseok playing with plushies and whining about milk .

"Time to eat "Jin yelled .
Everyone came rushing down the stairs except Hoseok . Maybe he's sleep Jin thought .

"Joon can you go wake up Hoseok please ."

"Sure Jin " namjoon said . He knew why Jin sent him instead of everyone else because he was afraid Hoseok will still be in little space . And he was right .
Namjoon ran to Hoseoks room and shook him .
"Hobi wake up"

"Hmmm , oh h-hey joonie " Hoseok said with a smile.

"Hey come on it's time to eat ."
With that being said namjoon picked hobi up and put him on his back . Hoseok giggled and slowly almost fell asleep . When they arrived in the kitchen Jin immediately ran up to namjoon and grabbed Hoseok .

"Hobi how did you sleep hmmm ?"

"Gwood , jinnie can I get mwilk and pancakes?"

"Of course hunn let me get it ok sit down ."
Hoseok sat down and everyone looked at Jin and Hoseok weird ( except namjoon of course)

"Wtf why is he talking like a baby and what's going on Jin ?" Yoongi asked .

Jin looked at Hoseok and gave him a questioning look but was surprised when Hoseok nodded .

"Guys .. Hoseok is a .. little ."

"WTF STOP PLAYING JIN " jungkook yelled at Jin .

Jin picked up his spatula and ran over to jungkook .
Hoseok giggled at Jin and everyone stared at him in awe .


"Hobi come here now !!" An angry yoongi yelled .
Hoseok slowly walked to yoongis room

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