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Author: Samuel Frederick



Deborah’s bag dropped from her hand to the floor as she remained rooted to her spot, in shock. She had her avid gaze on the bed where Annabel sat, positioned like a slut.

“Deborah I can explain!” I panicked, frightened, stepping towards her.

“Don’t come any closer.” She pointed at me, taking some steps back. She couldn’t believe her eyes. She couldn’t believe that the guy she’d trusted in could rub her heart in the mud like this. It was too much for her to bear, so she snatched her bag up, took one last glance at me with a tear rolling down her cheek, and then stormed out of the room, banging the door furiously.

I sank in a chair behind me with my hands covering my face, battling with confusion and anger.

“Who was that girl anyway?” Annabel’s voice sliced through my thoughts, aggravating my anger. “I mean, we’ve met before, but who exactly is she to walk in here just like that? ’Cause I sense some chemistry between you both.”

I raised my head with a thick frown and bloodshot eyes, facing her. “It’s like you are mad, abi? Didn’t I tell you to leave this room?”

“I am mad?” She pointed out in a question-like manner. “Wow. Just wow. I don’t blame you. I left my comfort zone and came all the way here to check up on you, yet you have the audacity to insult me, all because of one light-skinned God knows who?”

Annabel crawled off the bed, adjusted her skirt and picked up her bag.

“When you need me, you know where to find me. Rubbish!” She hissed and catwalked out, not without slamming the door, as I’d predicted.

I picked up my phone and dialled Deborah’s number immediately, but as expected, she ignored my calls, so I dialled Timi and Fatai’s lines instead and informed them to return home as soon as possible, and if possible, bring Divine along.

Moments later, my roommates returned home with sheer anxiety obvious from their faces, particularly Fatai. We exchanged pleasantries and I commenced with the main issue, after they’d settled down.

“Where is Divine?”

“Divine no gree come oh.” Fatai responded.

I heaved a sigh and continued, “I am in trouble, as in, in a very deep mess as we speak.”

“What’s the matter?” Timi inquired, concerned.

I explained everything to them in detail. Thereafter, Timi and Fatai shook their heads and exchanged looks of disappointment.

“I never liked that girl from the onset. I never really did.” Timi said with spite. “Annabel or whatever she’s called. I detest her so much, for the way she portrays herself in skimpy clothes all the time. She isn’t someone you should mingle with if you intend to have a healthy relationship with Deborah.”

“And you know how soft and fragile Deborah is,” Fatai chipped in. “She is a reserved, soft-hearted lady that’s particular about her ties with people. She loves you and takes you as her major icon. She holds you in high regard. You should’ve thought twice before doing what you did to hurt her.”

“It’s not my fault, bro. I was lured.” I sighed hard, overwhelmed by guilt, which proved that it was indeed my fault, because I had a choice then. I could’ve fled the temptation like my mind warned me to, but I didn’t, so I chested the blame. “So what is the way forward now?”

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