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Author: Samuel Frederick



Like a blooming sunshine upon a seemingly long night, the only witness that’d testify the truth about my case had now miraculously surfaced on the brink of my fragility, just when I’d almost lost all hope.

I felt repelled by her appearance, especially seeing her on a wheelchair, wrapped up in bandages like a packaged snack, while her step-mother pushed her gently from behind into the visiting room, accompanied by another police officer behind them.

There was silence in the room, thick silence, cascading through the atmosphere as tension gripped us all. Annabel, Deborah, Deborah’s father and step-mother and the two police officers and I exchanged unknowing stares in silence.

The elderly man, Deborah’s father, eventually broke the silence with, “May we all have our seats, please?” His baritone voice was supported by his finger, pointing at the two wooden benches behind me and Annabel.

Reluctantly, I heeded the elderly man’s request and joined them in sitting. I noticed Deborah’s quietness. I observed how she stared at me with confusion, probably surprised at my sudden and unexpected change of attitude towards her, surprised that I was startled to see her but not enough to run to her and embrace her like before. She obviously wasn’t aware that her secret had been cast out in the open, that I knew all about her outrageous act. I felt like she had something to say but could not. I wondered if she could still even speak, because her silence was odd. Too odd.

“There’s a huge burden in my chest as I speak to you all.” Deborah’s father began, addressing us all. “I feel very guilty for a painful cause. I don’t even know how to begin, for my heart bears great burden.”

All the while he spoke, his eyes were on me, and I wondered why. But I guessed I was about to find out.

Heaving a deep sigh, he continued, “My son, I seek your forgiveness today, for I have wronged you beyond measure. I beseech you to please find a place in your heart to forgive me and my family.”

To say I was confused would be a mere understatement right now. I was so lost, so dumbfounded. I had no idea what he was talking about.

“Permit me to ask, sir, but what is this all about? We all seem to be lost here, as you can see.” One of the police officers asked.

“Officer,” Deborah’s father addressed him in a low tone, “this young man you see here is innocent of all he has been accused of.”

The gospel truth? Those words came as a beam of hope to me, hence I smiled slightly, glancing at Annabel whose eyes held so much excitement already.

“But sir, can you prove that?” The officer pushed on, adamantly.

“Officer, he didn’t rape my daughter. She was raped, certainly, but not by him.” The elderly man explained to our hearing. “She miraculously recovered from her coma today, just before sunlight, and he was the first thing she mentioned upon her revival. She cried and insisted that she needed to see him after we explained everything to her, and that’s why she’s here now, instead of resting at home.”

The officer looked baffled. “Young lady, is this true, that the accused is indeed innocent?” He asked, addressing Deborah.

Deborah nodded in affirmation. After, a short silence ensued before both officers whispered between themselves and then stood up together.

“This is a big mess, sir.” One of them said to Deborah’s father. “But since he’s not the rapist, and we have no leads to the culprit or culprits yet, what do you want us to do, sir?”

“Officer, I demand for his release.” Deborah’s father stated bluntly. “He’s a victim of circumstance. He has been through a lot already, officer. He is innocent and I hereby demand for his release, immediately.”

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