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Narrator: we start off to see 5 five year old boys one with spikey hair and red eyes named Katsuki bakugou . While the other boy had green fluffy hair with freckles is Izuku Midoriya .

Katsuki : Hey Izuku!

Izuku :Yeah Kacchan ?

Katsuki : want to play Heroes with me!

Izuku : Sure! *grabs styrofoam sword.*

Katsuki : Ok out target is that tree *point's towards a tree. *

Izuku: Ok let's go!

Katsuki : Charge !!! *runs towards the tree. *

Izuku : Charge !! *fallows. *

Narrator : As at that moment Katsuki and Izuku struck the tree the toy sword was stuck on the tree while a minnie explosion was formed in Katsuki's hand leaving a small hand print on the tree. as

Katsuki : fudge! *stumbles backwards falls. *

Izuku : *Yanks the out sword and stumbles backwards falls. * ouch!

I,k : wow....that......was.......... AWESOME !!!!

Narrator : As the boys decide to go home to tell their parents so they could find out what they could do at the doctor's. As Izuku was told what his Quirk could do as Izuku and Katsuki told each other about A Quirk as from that day on this sparked a friendly rivalry as Izuku was taught the art of the sword and joined his father's dojo as Izuku was a natural. As in a few weeks Izuku surprised everyone in his age group. As for his quirks progression he's only figured out how to make two different Swords.
And he's only figured out how to use one skill on the short sword Lost vain, cloning. As Katsuki had a way less difficult time ganging strength as Katsuki started to think of Everyone else lower than him since Izuku was the only obstacle in his way as he started to to bully the people who stood up against him . As for Izuku he upped the intensity of his training so he could compete with the former friend as Izuku realized using the strength against him will only make things worse for the very few people that were his friend he would hold back to teach him a lesson. At 13 Izuku was the 2nd strongest member in his father's dojo as the strongest his father how uses two swords as Izuku only using one but the gap between them is getting smaller every day for Bakugou he was not doing any sort of training in fighting style and as for the bullying the teacher's do nothing about it as they as we skip to see the teacher about to hand out career aptitude tests

Teacher : so your seniors now and it's time to start planning your high school careers I was going to pass out Aptitude tests But .........* tosses sheets in the air....I know you all what to be Heroes!!!

Whole class minus Deku and Bakugou : * starts using their Quirks and cheering. *

Bakugou : hey teach Don't let me with these losers they would be lucky if they were a sidekick for a D list hero.

Teacher : Oh Bakugou don't you want to apply for UA? But with you and Midoriya's scores you both could get in.

Narrator : as we skip to after school to see Bakugou and his lackeys try to bully Deku but Izuku takes out the Buster sword and knock them out . Izuku decided to take a short cut home so he could go to the dojo as Izuku was walking under the bridge as Izuku got attacked by the sludge villain and all Might rescuing him as Izuku getting Allmight to sigh his notebook.

All Might : Here you go kid ! *gives Izuku his notebook.*

Izuku : Thanks ! * smiles. *

Narrator : Izuku helps All Might collect the sludge villain . As they say their good byes and split ways. As Izuku filled with a new determination as he walked by a beach filled with giant metal dabri and as Izuku thought he could pick up the beach as secondary  training.
But that was for a later date.
As Izuku whent to the dojo since his father was wanted him to meet someone that could help him with his Quirk.

And to be continued.

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