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Time has passed since what had happened then, in the hall with my father. I am alive to an extent. As alive as one such as myself can be. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I shall tell this to you as it happened.

As I closed my eyes and embraced the sleep, I felt my father pull himself away.

I opened my eyes again. I lay under him as my blood dripped onto me from his mouth and mixed with my tears and sweat.

He slowly calmed himself, dragging my limp body off of the floor and up to his neck as he stood. "Bite me."

I tried to resist, pulling away and groaning, but all the more did he then begin to command, and so I obeyed.

Slowly I opened my mouth and bite down on the hot flesh of his neck, gagging at the taste of my own bitter blood in my mouth.

The taste became more and more prominent, more potent, and a feeling washed over me, one so like the feeling nights with Fredric gave me.

   It was a different kind of pleasure, one I call now "satiation". I am full of life and content and happy, it's a moment of pure bliss, simply.

   Father calls this feeling "the feeling of the blood", seeming to not much care for the feeling the blood gave him but rather the experience of toying with his prey.

   I pulled away from him when his groans of pain grew to loud to bare. But the pain itself only hurt me inside, made me dread hurting Father any more. He was quiet with me then. Gentle, his voice could break his new creation, one he has made out of his last.

   The blood he had taken from me now was circulating back though my body, and warmth rushed throughout. For a long while I stared into his eyes, admiring the color I saw now as I hadn't seen before.

   At that point, he had laid me back to the floor and was over me, stroking my face with his cold hand and telling me it was all alright when I began to whimper.

   I had never talked much. Merely whimpered. My words meant nothing to the world, so I wouldn't waste my time.

   I now have the world's full attention for I have all of her time, a beast I am now.

   A dark creature. One so like him.

He told me what would happen to me now, how I was a vampire and would feast every night.

I was numb to it then, I didn't care. My only thought as he spoke was that he had forgiven me.

No malice was in his voice as he told me where the best places to steal a lady was, how easily the wine made them to seduce.

He held me close when I sat up, running his fingers though my hair.

"Father?" I remember asking him, — maybe a minute and maybe an hour after he had given to me his secret — holding his face in my hands.

He nodded me to go on, taking my hand and guiding it to his lips, kissing my palm.

"I don't think I'm ready." That was when reality sunk in and I realized I'd have to take lives to continue living. It was a morbid and melancholy way to live, one I didn't want, one I couldn't take.

My Father and His Secret (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now