Yin and Yang

551 58 11

Warning: brief mature content


Something was nudging Mew awake - in the hazy depths of his dream world it was a cat, nuzzling a head insistently against his cheek, low purrs vibrating ear drums. That feline box of attention begging tricks. But then there was moisture on his cheek, a wetness to his lips, and the cat shifted to become a seal.

Was he kissing a seal? Mew's subconscious taking the emergency executive decision to source the exit door there and then: time to wake up.

His eyes eased open - pupils contracting hastily in reaction to the natural vividity of the room - Mother Earth's late morning sunlight setting the scene aglow as the waker adjusted to an unfamiliar location. Yes, Mew recalled as cerebral comprehension at last caught up to visual, he was in Thailand. At a hotel with his niece, his best friend, and...

A cat-come-seal named Gulf - there in reality's human form now, begrudging blush conquering cheeks and ears as a result of his own, boldly affectionate alarm clock techniques.

"Damn you're cute", Mew smiled easily up at him, stretching arms above his head with a growl of a yawn as he manoeuvred athletically from his side to lie flat on his back, the younger man propped up on an elbow on the mattress beside him.

"What's cute? I'm just waking up a lazybones who's sleeping through his breakfast"

"Is that so?", the elder twinkled, "But I want...breakfast in bed with my baby naaa"

"Hoy! Do you even know what time it is? I've already eaten with P'Mild and Nong Pai thank you very much", Gulf stated in a voice intended to be stern and even scolding, but serving only to accelerate the fluttering of the butterflies encaged in Mew's chest of late, as he jutted out his lower jaw with the physical effort taken to restrain himself from simply reaching out and squishing the younger man any which way that he could.

He was just too...narak.

No, no more - Mew surrendered helplessly, heartily, to the 'man kiaow'.

He was pinching at Gulf's cheeks - his victim's scowling, endearing, kitten-like fury meeting only with a deeper "Awww" from Mew - before the younger was flipped beneath to find himself instantly trapped between muscular thighs, frown effortlessly supplanted by giggles.

"What's your plan? You're the ticklish one, not me"

"Tickling you is...the last thing...on my mind Nong" - as Mew leant in to sniff kiss his way down the younger's neck.

As if by implosion, the air around grew suddenly heated, intense humidity of an electrical storm even amidst calm, basking sunlight, Gulf's breath hitching as he recognised Mew's intent - the direction in which those fluent lips were travelling, language of lust the only one to be heard in the room.

Until, stoically, the younger man was hauling the elder back up to meet him at face level.

"Phi" - doing all he could to disguise the desire that swirled behind his unavoidably breathless tone, to ignore the swelling morningtide erection that rubbed and rutted down against his own dawning arousal. "The others only went out to find a gift for Nong Pai to welcome you home...they'll be back any...minute"

"Hmmm...I want to be inside you Gulf, so bad", hissed the owner of the mouth that nipped teasingly at the younger's tingling earlobe.

"Mai dai, mai dai...no...time. We have to....get started with our plan", his words were shaky but resolute, even as his eyes were rolling back as the frissons of friction between conversing groins became uncomfortably rebellious against the restraint of cumbersome clothing.

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