some pokemon trainer

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“I'm a bit rusty on cursed energy, but I'll still help! I can sense it but not fight it!”

🍙 Name 🍙
Kotori Kurosaki

🍙 Age 🍙
15 - 29

🍙 Gender 🍙

🍙 Personality 🍙
Kotori is a soft spoken one, willing to help everyone else. But he's a cautious one, however he's always on guard in case something happened. Kotori is self aware, and a bit insecure of himself. Kotori is a reserved. He's a bit of a quiet one, but once opened up. Kotori is a hyped one, He's willing to help out and is an intelligent one, he can assume or pick up the situation, he can play along with someone. He's playful and a happy person. Kotori is a really playful male, he tends to eavesdrop. On accident, but tends to keep so much blackmail. He may seem fragile and small, he's a lazy smart one. With random burt of energy then calm down. He tends to be a bit of a honest person, really chill and caring. He's a bit of a sly bitch, he's a con artist, can use his reserveness and shyness to slither his way in.

🍙 Appearance 🍙

🍙 Cursed Energy 🍙N/A

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🍙 Cursed Energy 🍙

🍙 Rank 🍙
Second Grade

🌺 Pokemon Side 🌺
(Ignore if you don't like this.)

Pokemon Partner ➖

Umbreon (Shiny):

Nature ➖

Items ➖

Ability ➖

Moves ➖
Work Up (Normal)
Shadow Ball (Ghost)
Dark Pulse (Dark)
Moonlight (Fairy)

🌸 Appearance 🌺

🌸 Appearance 🌺

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