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tw: child abuse, homophobic parents, mention of sexual assault, self harm

Btw katherines nicknames will be either kat or kitty


Edmund Howard.
My father.
The man I hate most in the world.
And I'm the girl he hates most.
My dad is an absolute asshole.
A homophobic asshole at that.
I'm a lesbian. 🧡🤍💗 :)
And I think he's catching onto it.
But I really hope he isn't.
Cuz it's gonna suck for me it he does.
I don't want to be kicked out.
Even if he hurts me everyday.
I'd rather that than be homeless.
After I finish thinking, my dad barged into the front door.
Here we go again I thought.

"KATHERINE, GET DOWN HERE" he yelled extremely loud that it rattled the whole house.

"Coming father" I say a bit loud.

"DONT YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE WITH ME YOU FUCKING SHITHEAD" my father yelled as I walked down the stairs

"I'm sorry father, I didn't mean to, it wink happen again" I say, scared of what coming next

"It better not" he says. Then he slaps be hard across the face.
I shed a single tear.

"Now go get ready, I'm having possible clients over with their son Henry. I want you looking better than this Katherine" he says sternly

"Yes father" I say quietly as I walk up to my room

One I get there, I lay out a pink long-sleeved dress that goes down to my knees. I wear this dress a lot. I do love it. But it's not for that reason. It's the only long sleeved dress I have. I can't wear any other ones with short sleves. Cuz they'll show my scars.
I started sh about a year ago, when things got really bad with my dad after my mom left us.
After I put on my dress. I straightened my hair and started my makeup. I had to cover the massive bruise that my dad left from when he slapped me.
I then finished getting ready and took a deep breath before I walked downstairs.

"Ahhh, just on time Katherine" my dad said in a sweet tone. So I knew that mean the guests were here.

"Mr and Ms O'Connell this is my daughter Katherine" he said and I shook both their hands

"Pleasure to meet you" I said

"Likewise" they said

"And this is their son, Henry" my dad said
"He's your age and he goes to your school I believe?" My dad said

"Yes father he does" I said as I shook Henry's hand.

I hated Henry.
He was the biggest bully in school.
And not just a bully.
A rapist.
Henry took advantage of me about 3 months ago.
I'm still scarred from it.
I can't get that night out of my head.
If only I hadn't gone walking alone that night.
I would've never happened.
So it's my fault.
It's always my fault.

"KATHERINE, are you paying attention" my father said as we were all seated around the dinner table

"Yes, sorry father I-I I just zoned out for a second" I said

"What's so important in your head that you can't pay attention" he said

"Nothing father, I'm sorry" I said

"Very well, we were just discussing some popular topics" he said

"Oh ok, like what" I said quietly

"Well we were just discussing LGBTQ stuff" Henry's mother said and my heart started beating faster

"What is your opinion on them" Henry said and my father shot me a look

"Well, I think lgbtq+ people should hAve rights" I said and I could see my father getting furious

"You support gay rights, So you're gay " Henry said

" I think animals should have rights too, does that make me a fucking zebra" I say instantly regretting it

"Go to your room now" my father said in his stern voice


"NOW" he roared at me

"Yes, father" I say

"I think it's time we leave" Henry's father says

"Thank for having us" Henry's mom says as they walk out the door

I then hear the front door shut and footsteps walking up the stairs

"Fuck" I say to myself because I knew what was coming


"I don't know father" I say quietly


"I'm very sorry" I say

"SORRY IS NOT GONNA CUT IT ANYMORE" he roared as he slapped me over and over again.
It was terrible.
It went on for about a good 15 minutes.
Finally when he left.
I couldn't move.
Everything hurt.
I didn't know what to do.
So I just sat there for a few minutes, until I noticed it.
My blade.
Just sitting there on my desk.
So I went to grab it, and it hurt like a bitch to move.
I sat up and thought.
I'm already in so much pain.
Why not a bit more.
So I took the blade and placed it against my skin and cut numerous times.
Until the blood trickled down my arm and there was a pile on the floor.
I quickly grabbed some towels and wiped up the blood so it wouldn't stain.
I then was able to stand up finally but it still hurt really bad.
So I just put on some pj's and went sleep.


Word count= 911(without a/n)

Jeez that was long.
Took me about 20 in total hours to do cuz ✨writer's block ✨ and ✨procrastination ✨

Anyways I hope you enjoyed it

I could write a part two if you like. Just lmk



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