chapter 1: days end

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As I clocked out for work and helped TK close up the diner for the day, I now had to make the trek home. Lately, that walk through the pitch-black, nighttime neighborhood that once calmed me was now filled with fear ever since i met peter.

Its like when I met him, everything started to fall into place like some twisted puzzle..My window being left open, the constant feeling of being watched, that hooded figure everyday at the diner, things in my room not being as i left them the night before, it all made me wonder..i mean, i knew peter was a bit protective and obsessive over me even as friends but none of that could be him right?..Still, i wanted to tell someone about it to alleviate some of my anxiety..And as usual, that person was TK. They've always been such a sweet and loyal friend and honestly i feel like i can tell them anything, no matter how upsetting, about my life and they would still look at me the same.

At the same time, they were so shy. I knew they'd liked me for so long now, but i wanted to see them get the confidence so say so on their own. They're such a selfless and caring friend towards me even if they weren't ready to say how they felt yet. When i told them, they volunteered to protect me for a while until the threat was gone and even take night watch if i needed it. I admired their devotion to helping me, but politely declined and opted to call them if i needed anything instead.

Since we both lived in different areas, I had to walk home alone. They offered to walk with me to keep me safe, but i really didn't want to take up any more of their time especially on a monday night when both of us just wanted to get home and go straight to bed..poor guy, he already worked so much, i didn't want to bother them any more today..

even though i opted to go alone i really wish I'd agreed to their sweet offer..Now that i was actually doing it, i realized how scary it actually felt after I had told someone..Like if it was in fact a person, they were going to come and silence me now that someone else knew.

Creepy to think about..

As usual, I felt watched. Like somehow, even though i was alone on this road, someone's eyes were on me..I strayed as far away from the stretch of forest closest to the road as humanly possible.
I was practically plastered to the walls of the old, decrepid buildings coupled with the newer ones in this shady neighborhood I was so scared...Damn intrusive thoughts telling me someone's gonna jump out from the blanket of trees and stab me or something, i really need to get those checked out...

As i walked, the streetlights seemed to flicker more frequently and the sidewalk seemed to stretch on longer than it should. Maybe it was just my anxiety, but it felt like i was some kind of prey with a predator just casually watching me out of my sight and waiting for a weak moment to pounce.
I was so caught up in my thoughts and fears i almost didn't hear a stick in the distance beyond the treeline crack under somethings' weight followed by a soft grunt..

Ilike some kind of survival instinct, I shot up from my slump and stared at the woods like a deer in headlights, slowly tilting my head to try and hear better. Prey. That's what i was. That coulden't be an animal, it was far too heavy and nothing that big lives around here,this is a rural neighborhood! conscience screamed in my ear.

I started to pick up my pace and soon run as fast as my short legs could carry me after hearing more sticks crunch, getting closer to the sidewalk.

With my fight or flight response triggered,my legs soon carried me closer to my apartment without even thinking like a marathon runner as fast as I could..

I was running and soon approaching my apartment like the last stretch of a race when suddenly, a pair of strong yet somehow..familiar arms grabbed me from behind...

My mouth was covered instantly so I couldn't scream and alert lucy, my roommate from inside the apartment. I kicked and punched at the arms but i soon felt myself getting weaker by each passing second. The strong hold my captor had on me didn't waiver for even a second so i could have even have a chance of escape with the energy i had left...

the chemical smell of the liquid on the cloth made me gag a bit..this couldn't be chloroform could it? wonder I suddenly feel so sleepy..There's no way in hell anyone was crazy enough to knock me out and do whatever else with me after i lost consciousness right??..i have no enemies, barely any couldn't be peter could it?..he's the only person who might have it out for me..sure, he was a protective friend but something about him seemed fishy..

I tried to keep kicking to stay awake, but i already knew I was done for..I could already feel my limbs going slack and it didn't take much to overpower me seeing as how small i was for a guy...As everything started to fade to black, my captor started to stroke my hair and talk quietly to me.. It felt..familiar in a way?..

"Shhh, there's no need to struggle darling...Everything will be okay very soon..i love you, y/n." The familiar voice cooed. I'd heard this voice before, yet i was so weak at the moment i couldn't differentiate who it was...

And then i passed out.

(Welcome to my first longer story!! Thanks so much for reading, i appriciate it a lot! Will be writing more chapters soon✌)

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