chapter 11: found

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Y/N pov:

I awoke to loud banging beyond the basement door..sounded like... A hammer?..weird.. I don't know what it is, i don't care..i guess i must've been so groggy and tired that i fell back must be a couple hours later now, and all was strangely quiet..too quiet.

I fell asleep in a weird position last night and now i had a raging headache, plus my limbs felt heavy like cinder blocks...god i felt so out of it, like i was about to black out or something..

Curse my good leg for not being able to get me down the stairs so i didn't have to sleep on the floor at the door of the basement waiting for peter to come notice me like some helpless puppy.

I can definitely say that freezing cold concrete is nowhere near comfortable to sleep on.

i remember attempting to get down the stairs last night and snagging my leg wound on something sharp..i think it was a peice of jagged wood from a section where the stairs were broken?..not sure..i somehow made it back up onto the landing, but my fresh bandages were now soaked in blood again come morning.. Godammit, was this ever going to heal?..i just wanted to put this wound and the memory's that came with it behind me already..

Mmm..i needed his damn help to re- bandage the wound, i coulden't do it myself..i hate how I had to rely on him like this so much..

I began to scratch against the door as it was all I had the energy to do and attempted to talk to him and tell him i needed help, if he was even up, but all that came out was a weak whimper instead..

I put my ear against the door and listened, only to hear..the start of someone banging on one of the doors to the house followed by what sounded like voices outside?..oh god, was i finally being saved?? This was the first time in my life i could confidently say i was ecstatic to have a stranger break in.

Followed by the banging soon came a loud crack as the door split open and heavy footsteps pounded into the house. Audible commotion and objects falling to the floor were heard as the footsteps spread about the house.

Someone was here! I was saved!! I scratched at the door even louder than before in hopes that whoever it was could hear me.

"I'm in" I whimpered as loud as i could, but all that was heard was a pleading whisper.. That feeling of wanting to close my eyes and accept that i was going to black out and die kept growing stronger, but i fought it in hopes of rescue..

I could feel a wet pool of fresh blood soaking through the bandages and forming around my leg once again, but i didn't care. I was determined to push through for the first time in days since i thought all hope was lost..

Suddenly, i heard a different voice than peters' cry out in pain, soon followed by screams of shock and fear.

Soon a shout overtook the sound of all voices saying,


I heard more crashing and loud bangs before the doorknob to the basement was rattled violently.

"Its locked!..none of the other rooms in the house are locked, they must be in here! Quick, someone bring me the lock-picking kit! And hurry, fire spreads easy! Gas masks everyone!" A female voice shouted to her peers.

Come to think of it, I thought i smelled smoke earlier but now the smell was DEFINITELY present and not just my imagination..the door was starting to heat up too..

After a bit of struggling at the doorknob, the old door bust open and the fresh faces of what looked to be two emergency response workers with a stretcher at their sides came to greet me.

"Oh god.." The same female voice sputtered, barely able to muster words from just seeing me on the basement landing  while the other remained speechless, their face turning white.. "I..I need a medical team in here ASAP, and, *cough cough* call the fire-fighters before this gets out of hand!..move, move!" She barked into her walkie fastened on her shoulder, motioning for others at her side including the person next to her about to pass out to come over and help man the stretcher.

Everything started to feel so blurry and the bright, hot world burning like a bonfire around me began to spin..

Before i knew it, I was thrust onto the stretcher and being wheeled outside into an ambulance through what once was a house, now engulfed in flames, while more police cars with blaring lights showed up to assess the scene..soon followed by fire trucks and men wearing bulky suits with hoses to fight the growing flames.

I started to fade in and out of conscious ness from all the smoke i breathed and blood loss through my leg.. Memories from that whole day were all just bits and pieces..

As i was wheeled out, a man, peter i think, was being handcuffed and held to the ground by men in blue uniforms. one had a familiar pocket knife sticking out of his shin with a nasty gash leading up to where the knife was left while more of his comrades swarmed around him to come to his aid..

It was so loud, yet felt like my ears had ruptured or something..

I was loaded into the ambulance and soon found myself surrounded by unfamiliar people tending to me as best they could and making sure the stretcher was secure and not moving around the car.

"Oh shit, how did this one even survive?..what the hell happened in there..?" A younger male voice attached to a short figure gestured quietly to a larger guy next to him who was pushing the stretcher along with the young girl from earlier.

"..I'm not sure, hopefully we will get him to the hospital soon enough.." The blurry male figure responded in a deep voice infected with worry and surprise.

"Quick, you idiots! Cotterize the damn wound before he looses more blood!..wer'e not losing another one.."
A new, raspy, older sounding female voice growled at her comrades who worriedly loaded me into the ambulance.

"..w-will he make it doc?.." Another unfamiliar shape already waiting in the ambulence sobbed..wait..TK..that sounded like TK!!..

Without thinking, I tried to lift my hand towards him and tell him I was okay!..i was gonna be okay for him..i promised..

"Woah there buddy, take it need to rest.." The soothing female voice from earlier cooed, lowering my arm down gently in hopes I'd calm down..

"We're losing him! Damn blood loss!.. We need to recessitate him immediately!!-" another doctor shouted to more staff as we entered a crisp white hallway..the ER i think?..

"Damn it!..intern!..Get me a room stat, you imbecile!-" the raspy voice screeched at the younger male who responded with a scared "yes ma'am.." While taking the stretcher and wheeling it in a different direction per another doctors' orders..

My heartbeats filled my ears like loud drumbeats while i tried to remain conscious..

"Y/N.....? I'm here'll be okay..w-we can get through this.." TK's voice violently cried while his warm hand touched my cheek through all the felt so soothing against my cold skin..

I peace in that moment.

"I love you.."

And with that, everything faded away to darkness..

YB male reader x peter (17+) (Ongoing Story)Where stories live. Discover now