𝑁𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 3𝑟𝑑

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Michelle Lovegood

November 3rd

I slept well, a lot better than the other night. It was snowing when I awoke and the peaceful sight of the white particles floating down calmed me from my hectic dream. It wasn't quite a nightmare, but it did raise my heart rate.

I was a student at Mahoutokoro, a famous wizarding school in Japan, but the entire dream was in English. There was a murderer loose, just like at Hogwarts and they were killing everybody I was close with. Juliette, Rosa, Peter, Nate, and Louis.

The only way the murderer was caught was because anybody caught breaking school rules, their robes turn white. It was too late though, everybody I was close to was dead and I had nobody left. Even Luna died.

"You sleep alright?" Juliette turned and asked.

"Bad dream," I forced a smile.

"I thought so, you were sleep talking a little." she smiled.

Juliette and I decided to stop by the Gryffindor common room to talk to Harry and comfort him like we comforted Cedric. The killer was beginning to weaken us all.

Harry was tucked in bed, crying softly over Ginny's death, similarly to how Cedric cried over Cho and how Draco cried over Blaise.

"He keeps telling me he isn't hungry." Hermionie said to me, "I've had to force feed him soup and biscuits."

There was a pile of used tissues on the floor beside his bed. It was only the fourth day of this madness and the person who has kept the school together for the last few years has fallen apart.

Every day I felt myself becoming more and more like him, except for the bravery and courage and selflessness.

"Do you know who did this?" he asked me, catching his breath and pulling himself together.

"Not yet, we're doing our best though," I assured him, "We'll figure it out."

"Expect the unexpected." Harry said.


"Harry, Cedric, and Draco are all a mess." I said.

"We need to start thinking critically." Juliette said.

We all glanced at the wall and tried to put the pieces together. Each piece of evidence was like a puzzle piece to a puzzle that is the size of England.

"I've got nothing." Louis said.

"Are we so stupid that we cant figure out any ties between these four murders." I said, "We might as well start with the Veritaserum if we want any chance of catching the damn murderer."

"What if there isn't only one murderer." Juliette said.

"What if we can't put the pieces together because the pieces belong to two different puzzles." I added, "Juliette, you're a genius."

"So you're saying there's two murderers with completely different motives and victim selection?" Nate said.

"Exactly." Juliette said, "One of them is after Draco's friends and the other is after Cho Chang and Ginny Weasley."

"So the one doesn't like Draco and what's the other one after?" Louis said.

"Maybe the other doesn't like Cedric or Harry." I said.

"Maybe it's about a quidditch rivalry." Louis responded.

"Who takes quidditch seriously enough that they would kill somebody over it?" Juliette asked with a strange look across her face.

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