First Aid

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this includes mentions of Depression, Self-harm, and Eating Disorders if you're sensitive to this sort of thing please don't read this 

Y/N sat in the bed they shared with their husband of 5 years tracing their fresh self inflicted cuts on their wrists blood still showing from the open wound before they got up and moved to the bathroom, locking the door behind them as they slouched over the sink as their face turned pale and their stomach growled begging for food, they had been skipping meals a few weeks now and had lost a noticeable amount of weight.

Tears fled their eyes as they sat down on the cold bathroom floor, hugging their legs, arms covered in cuts  some beginning to scar some not, as Shouta came home and called out but didn't get an answer

Y/N stayed in the corner of the bathroom before they heard a knock at the door

"Honey? are u in there?" Shouta spoke as he knocked on the door

"Yeah.." they sounded sad and tried to cover up the fact that they had relapsed after so many years of being clean

"Can you unlocked the door please?"He asked" I don't want to have no choice but to kick it down"

They sniffed before standing up and unlocking the door but only opening it a little so he could only see their face. Aizawa frowned at the sight of their sadness and could instantly tell something was up and pulled them into a hug before Y/N collapse to their knees and cried into his chest. He assessed them carefully and notice the cuts on their arms and brought them to their feet "let's get you cleaned up" he kissed their lips briefly and brought them further into the bathroom and propped them onto the counter before leaving to grab a first aid kit and coming back again

"I'm sorry-" they apologized already feeling bad that they relapsed after doing soo well

"Don't apologize you didn't do anything wrong kitten" he cleaned their cuts before bandaging up their arms and putting the first aid kit aside

Y/N droops their head on his shoulder" I was doing so well and I failed myself"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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