Chapter 5

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Today it was the weekly Capture the Flag game, and because the Hunters and I were here, it would be campers versus Hunters. Normally Annabeth, Percy, Nico, and I would be having fun. Now, it was late in the afternoon and I sat by the canoe lake, throwing rocks into the water, mulling over possibilities that could have driven Percy out of the camp. I shook my head and snorted. You know you're spending too much time with a child of Athena when you start to analyze situations.


The hunters and I arrived at Camp Half-Blood a couple days ago. And a couple days since I found out that Percy was missing. I practically blew up the camp. And then Annabeth told me what happened. Geez, Kelp Head makes a mistake, and walks out of here like he can avoid it. Well, maybe he can. For a while. Does he have a death wish or what? And then I found out Nico was gone too. Well that just made my day even darker. He supposedly went with Percy. So now, I'm stuck here without anybody to keep me amused.


Anyways, there was Marcus, his half-brother and the idiot who thinks the sun shines out of his rear end. But Percy wouldn't let that get to him, unless he did something to REALLY tick Percy off. Personally, I don't think it's possible to tick Percy off THAT much to drive him out. So what really drove him out?

"Thalia. What are you doing?" a voice behind me said.

I turned around. It was Phoebe. I resumed throwing my rocks into the lake.


"Thinking about that Kelp Head who just got up and left. Apparently from mistake if you take Annabeth's word. So now I'm stuck here with no one to vent!"

"A Hunter of Artemis should never worry about boys." she said scornfully.


I was so frustrated I accidently summoned a lightning bolt out of the sky. It struck the lake with a loud bang, leaving the air smelling of ozone. I sat back down trying to calm back down. I closed my eyes. I heard the sounds of Phoebe sitting down next to me. And then I felt a massive wave of water crash onto both of us. The water receded and I was left, spluttering and coughing. Phoebe wasn't too much better. I glared at the lake and saw a nymph floating near the shore. She was glaring at me and here hair seemed to be singed. Woops. I shouted an apology and the nymph sank back into the lake looking slightly less angry.

"Phoebe. Go and take my place to discuss the tactics for tonight. I need to calm down for a bit. I can't think right now."

Phoebe nodded and walked away. I resumed my thinking. Percy gone. Nico gone. At least there was one bright side to my week; Annabeth, immortal.


"It is under the consensus of the Olympian Council that the Heroes of Olympus shall be made gods."

The room had gone deathly quiet. Zeus rolled his eyes.

"Well, Heroes step forward!"

Annabeth, Will Solace, Katie Gardner, the Stolls, Clarisse and whoever else was of significance in the battle stepped forward.

Athena stepped toward Zeus.

"It seems Percy Jackson is missing."

Zeus smirked.

"The less heroes, the better."

"My lord, if you continue, this spell has a high chance of resulting in overloading on of the demigods. We need to wait for his return."

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