Chapter 10

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Dear Michael,

You were sitting with me, but I knew weren't here mentally. You keep staring at the wall. You wouldn't look at me. They tore us apart. They won. But we have to stay strong during this. I can see it's hard for you.

I told you that I love you, that I didn't hate you. I was upset. I was sad. I was scared. And I was hurt. I love you Michael.

You didn't say it back. So I said it again. You didn't say it back that time either. So I said it louder. Still, no response.

I ended up yelling. Tears stung my eyes and my heart felt like it was being absolutely torn apart by your hands. Your hands that once roamed my body in such a loving way.

"I love you, Michael." I kept screaming and you kept staring at the wall. The nurses came in and you left when they did. They tied me down and gave me a pill that made me sleepy. I kept screaming until I blacked out.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.


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