Chapter 25

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Dear Michael,

It has been a week without her. This week has been hell. I need to see her. I need to hold her again.

She's with you, Michael. I'm so glad she has reunited with her love, but now my love is gone.

I was going to listen to her words. I was trying so hard to be without her, but I can't Michael. I can't. She was my other half, and now I'm incomplete. Now I know how she felt for over a year. It makes me physically hurt knowing that she hurt this bad.

Being without her isn't going to be possible for much longer. I don't even think I can go another ten minutes. My entire being hurts. Everything hurts. It hurts so much.

I'm going to follow her footsteps. I have to. I know she wanted me to move on, fall in love again. I can't. So I won't.

I took all of the pills she didn't take. The ones that made her not see you. There were forty seven in the bottle.

I'm scared that I'm dying, but it's a calming type of scared. I'm scared because I know there is no turning back. But at the same time, it's the most beautiful thing ever. I'll see you both again. I'll see my best friend and my love. I'll feel whole again.

I can feel my heart beat slowing, my vision is becoming foggy. I'll see you any moment now, my friend. Any moment.


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