🦋Shopping spree🦋

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If I were them I would use that credit card to buy some primo gems

Nobody's pov:
After a minute of driving they reached the ATM station,They got out of the car and taking out their cards,Teppei checked his card since he knew that his mom would give them the same amount of mora as always,after a few typings teppei's reaction changed to a shocked expression.

"is there something wrong big bro?"lumine asked as she and her other siblings were worried about teppei,"L-look at the amount"he stutters as he backs away to let his little sibling saw to amount,their jaw drops as they saw the amount,"o-one billion mora?!"paimon lowkey screamed as she looks like she saw a ghost,"it literally says 1,000,000,000 mora in the screen you emergency food"aether blunted as his little sister pouted at the nickname that he gave,"Paimon is not an emergency food"she pouted at aether,"so is this only to you or do we also have 1 billion mora with us too?"lumine asked her older brother as she ignored her twin and her little sister fight.

"Mom always gives us the same amount lumine go ahead and try"teppei took out his card while lumine inserted her card with the pincode on a little note pad,"oh yeah we do have the same amount of money"she looked at the screen to see the same amount that teppei have in his credit card,lumine pull out her card and decided to stop paimon from hitting aether.

"come on guys enough fight lets go to the mall"teppei called his siblings while entering the car his little siblings went in the car as well,"all right lets go to dragonspaire city mall,I heard they have a lot of great stored there"the older brother said as he set his google maps to the said mall,"sure can't wait to buy something"aether said as he put on his air pods as he listens to so songs by Nicki Minaj(young money~),Teppei started the car and started driving to the mall.

After 30 minutes of driving

Aether's pov:
"We are here"my brother said as we arrived at a huge mall,"wow this place is huge"paimon look outside wanting to get out,"this is probably the second time you said that today but I'am not going to ask why everything in this city is huge"I said as I heard some small murmurs from my little sister,"what are you guys waiting for get out of the car,wait for me on the entrance I'm going to park the car"my brother said as we got out of the car to look at how ginormous this mall is.

"Imagine how many stuff we can buy in this store"lumine said out of the blue,"I mean a lot tho since we have 1 billion mora each"paimon replied,"I don't think its only for today or probably mom is going to give us another for school"I said as I walked to the entrance  while my little sisters are following me,a few minutes later teppei arrived at the entrance waving at us,"well since this mall is so huge we should go by pairs and meet up in the exit at 4:30pm since we need to get the twins to start studying for the entrance exams"teppei said as he carries paimon leaving the twins alone in the entrance who were nodding from his statement.

The twins walk around the mall and still confused on what to buy,"So should we buy clothes or school supplies?"lumine asked her older brother who is staring at a donut store,"welp looks like we buying food first then,you should stop eating to much you fat bitch",she walks to the donut store with an angry aether,"who you calling fat hun?" aether said calm but scary tone,"You of course,I mean its not my fault you eat a lot like fat ass pig"she replied as she points at the strawberry and vanilla donut,"and do I get fat?No"aether said as he took the vanilla donuts(vanilla be his fav flavor,I mean😏),"You think all the fats go straight to your ass?Bitch your ass wont take much and give all the job to your stomach and boom you become obese"She looked at her older brother while getting back her card from paying,"tch,whatever miss I have crazy kinks for hot girls"he rolled his eyes as he starts eating his donut,"At least Im not mr I want a dick inside my ass because I'm a little slut"she argued back,The two glared at each other until they agreed on not telling everyone about their crazy sexuality(Sisters please I Can be both👆🏻😭).
(Idk how to fix this stupid thing where your font changes;w;)
(Nvm I just did I Think?)

After a Few minutes of shopping some clothes,school supplies,body supplies(like soaps,
shampoos,makeup,skin care products and etc.),The twins decided to take a rest in a bench near the exit,

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