Chapter 27 - Couple Life

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(AN/ as I said in the prev page this is only a continuation of the original story by mluigi393 I do not own this idea nor this world nor do I aim to take anything away from mluigi393 I am simply making this for myself and any other readet that wishes to know what coule have taken place after the events of chapter 26 of Thin walls between me and twice. Once again all credit Goes to mluigi393 for the idea of the whole universe and storyline. Keep in mind that as soon as mluigi393 has decides to continue the thin walls story all of this will be disregarded and be nothing but an A/U.
Thank you and ENJOY!)

You and Mina sat on the bench of their garden taking in the beautiful night, sharing an embrace and you giving an occational kiss on her hand or her forehead.

Y/N- Thank you Mina

Mina looks to you with a coy smile

MN- For what oppa?

You pull out from the embrace still holding on to her shoulders

Y/N- For everything, for saving me, for being with me, for being my friend, and now for being my girlfriend

She smiles at you and kisses you on the cheek

MN- You don't have to thank me oppa, just stay with me and that's enough

You smile at her and you both look up at the sky, without any clouds you can clearly see the stars and feel the wonderful breeze of the night

After a few more minutes you both head inside of Mina's Family's house and go to the living room to greet Mina's Mother and tell her the good news

You walk hand in hand of each other with her head still resting on your shoulder, you kiss her hand from time to time to show your affection

Once you both arrive inside the house you are greeted by her Mom and Dad and Grandfather who have just arrived both welcoming you with a warm smile. You all sat at the living room, with you and Mina still holding hands. Her Mother brings out tea for all of you to drink. You pick up the tea and pour some on each cup making sure to pour on Mina's cup first. The family smiles at you

After a couple minutes of silence Mina's Mother speaks up

MNM- So it looks like you two are finally official
She says with a sweet smile

Y/N- Yes Mrs.Myoui, I am so glad to finally be able to call your daughter my girlfriend, thank you for allowing me to take her hand. And I am sorry for bringing hurt to your daughter like that, I promise I will do my best to take care of her and never allow her to get hurt

You say bowing looking at the ground. Mina softly squeezes your hand causing you to look up at her, her face beaming the most beautiful smile

MNF- I had my doubts after what transpired. But with Mina telling us everything that happened, we understand that it wasn't your fault and we thank you for saving her.

Y/N- To be honest Sir it was mina who saved me, if not for her waking me up from the drugs that were put in me, all of us would probably be in a worse situation than we all were

They smile at you warmly

MNGF- You should both rest I'm sure you are still tired especially after rushing over here

You look at him confused as to how he knew you rushed over to their Home

MNGF- The guards called me saying you arrived panting like a dog when you came to the gate

The thin walls between me and twice (AU/Continuation)Where stories live. Discover now