Part 6 (Finding out)

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Blake's P.O.V.

I arrived yesterday from me away games and I'm hanging out today with Freya. I had Ford too but he was upstairs sleeping. I know it's too early to have him hanging around her but he already saw her once so whatever. Besides, he's one and what's wrong with having a friend over? It's not like he's gonna remember any of this. While Ford was sleeping I was with Freya at the basketball court teasing her.

"Would you stop?" She protests as I dribble the ball between my legs.

"What? Too fast?"

"Wow, you're not cocky." She says sarcastically with a smile. As I get distracted, she manages to take the ball from me and run to the other side of the court without the ball touching the ball.

"Hey!" I run after her "you can't do that." I laugh.

"Why not?"

"That's traveling"

"You said there were no rules."

"Touché." I take the ball from her and run to make a dunk. When I get down from the rim I see her smiling. I must admit, I thought she didn't like me but she seems to be losing her shyness. I walk to her and she tries to take the ball from me but I lift my arm and there's no way she can reach it up there.

"You can't be serious."

"To tall?"

"I'm 5'5", you're like an Avatar to me."

I laugh. "An Avatar?"

"Yeah, you know, those huge blue..."

"Yeah, I know what an Avatar is, it's just no one's said that to me."

We stare deep into each other's eyes... The sexual tense between us is undeniable and pretty strong. I'm surprised I haven't slept with her again... I was going to kiss her but she keeps me from doing so.

"I have to tell you something." She says. Right then I hear Ford crying from the baby monitor.

"Hold that thought."

"Actually, I'm gonna head on home."

"No, no let me just check on him." I leave...


Freya's P.O.V.

I was about to tell Blake I was pregnant but his kid started to cry so I'll take that as a sign not to tell him. God, I never thought it would be so hard. I decide not to be a bitch and stay while he checked on his son...

"Hey." He comes downs.


"So what were you gonna tell me?"

"It can wait."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, is he okay?"

"Yeah, he just needed a diaper change. He fell right back to sleep."

"I should go."

"I can take you home, Brynn is on her way to pick up Ford."

"Your ex? You think it's a good idea for me to be here?"

"I'm not with her. There's absolutely nothing going on between us."

"She doesn't seem to think so. Because she clearly doesn't want me with you-- I mean, hanging out with you."

"With me huh?"

"That's not what I meant." The doorbell breaks the awkwardness between us.

"You're early." Blake tells Brynn.

"Yeah well, I have somewhere to be." I decided to hide because I really wasn't up for fighting with anyone right now... After she leaves, I step out of the bathroom.

"You ready?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I force a smile...

He knew something was bothering me so he kept quite the whole car ride, trying not to bother me. When we arrive to Diana's Bakery, I step out and tell him thanks for everything and step inside not waiting for his answer...

"Hey!" Diana says.

"Hi" I groan. 

"So? How'd he take it?"

"I didn't tell him."

"What?! You said you were gonna tell him this time."

"And I was but then his kid started crying and I panicked. Maybe it was for the best."

"Frey you can't keep holding it back... You're gonna start showing anytime soon."

"Look, he has another away game and he's going to China! I really don't think he'll notice."

"Is he going to live in China?"


"Then he'll notice."

"By the time he comes back I'll be long gone."

"Oh God Freya, you can't just keep postponing it." She heads to the back.

"He made it perfectly clear he doesn't want more kids, Diana."

"So what?! He should still know."

"So what do you want me to say? Oh hey Blake, remember how you said you didn't wnt kids? Well, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but you're gonna have to break that rule because I'm pregnant?" I step down fom the stool to go to her and when I turned around my heart stopped. I gasped loud and cover my mouth with my hand. "Blake..." I whisper.

"You left your phone in my car."

"Yeah! Well no excatly like that but--" Diana steps out. "Oh, shit... Hey I talked to the guy--"

"He knows Diana."

"Shit... I'll leave you guys alone." She leaves.

"How much of that did you hear?" I ask him.


"I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to find out like this."

"I shouldn't have found out like this... Why weren't you gonna tell me?"

"Because it was one night. And I thought I wasn't gonna see you again."

"But you did! So why didn't you tell me now?!"

"I was but then you said that you didn't want more kids and... I'm sorry."

"Were you even gonna tell me?"

"...... No." I look down. "The chances of someone like you even accepting you kocked me up from a one night stand--"

"That's how Brynn got pregnant."

"Wow, so I'm another Brynn. Okay."

"That's not what I meant. Look, we had unprotected sex, of course I'm gonna think there's a possibility... I have to go, plane leaves in an hour. We'll talk about this when I come back."

"I won't be here when I come back. I told you I'm going back to Alaska."

He scoffs. "Not anymore."

"Excuse you?"

"You're having my child and I want to be in it's life. I can't so that if you're in Alaska."

"So you want it?"

"Guess that caught you by surprise too." He leaves mad... God, should I really stay?


So, not excatly the way he should've found out, but he did. Do you think Freya will leave before he comes back?

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