Part 22 (Coming Home)

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Freya's P.O.V.

I can't believe I'm stuck here again. I have to find a way to get out of here. I can't stay here any longer, I feel like I'm gonna go crazy.

"Marc, I need a hospital."

"Why? You're fine."

"But my daughter isn't! Please, if you care about her like you say you do, let me go."

"I do care! She's gonna be mine too. But we can't go yet, not until they stop looking."

"We're already in Mexico! Who's gonna look for us here?!! The cops can't come here, you know that."

"What if they the news? Until this all quiets down, we don't leave."

"It'll never get quiet! You think Blake is gonna give up looking for his baby?"

"He's rich, he'll forget. Besides, what makes you think he even wants this baby? You're a nobody, Freya... You think he loves you? He's just doing it so you don't leave and ask him for money."


"What? You didn't think I knew you were staying with him?" I was hoping he didn't... "He doesn't love you, Freya. I do."

"Yeah, that's why you hit me and left me stranded, right?"

"That was a misunderstanding."

"You were so ready to let me go back then. Why not now? Because you thought I was gonna crawl back to you?"

"We made a promise to each other. To stay together forever."

"Marc-" Someone knock on the door.

"Shut up, don't say a word... Who is it?"


"Sean?! What are you doing here?"

"I'm doing some business. What are you doing here?" Marc opens the door.

"Freya and I are on a little vacation."

"Are you high?" Sean examines Marc's eyes.

"Yeah." He chuckles nervously. "Listen, you mind keeping an eye on her while I go buy us something to eat?"

"Sure man, no problem."

"Thanks, man." He takes some cash and leaves.

"How did you find me?" I ask him.

"I know some people. Get your stuff, quick." I gather my stuff as fast as I could.

"He has a gun." I warn him.

"I got my own." He lifts up his shirt, showing me the gun. God, I really don't want this to turn into a blood bath! I don't love Marc anymore, but I still care for him. He was my first love and he used to care for me. I just don't know what happened along the way...

"Alright, I'm so ready to get out of here."

"Good, let's go." We leave quickly and quietly, hoping this time he doesn't get me.

"He's not gonna stop, he's never gonna stop." I tell Sean.

"I don't think he's stupid enough to come back to L.A."

"This is so messed up! We weren't supposed to be here for so long."

"What do you mean?"

"Later... Let's just focus on getting out of here right now."

"Good idea. Blake and Diana are worried sick about you."

"Blake?" I ask surprised.

"Yeah... You really didn't think he wasn't gonna be worried, right?"

"No, yeah. Of course." I lied, I really thought he was gonna be glad I disappeared. I was starting to believe Marc.

"What did he tell you?"

"That Blake was just with me so I wouldn't bug him for money."

"You don't really believe that, do you?" He asks as we continue walking.

"I don't know. I mean, you have to admit it's a little weird. They guy all of a sudden wants me to move in with him and then tells me he loves me?"

"You're carrying his daughter."

"So? A guy like him, doesn't go for a girl like me."

"So that's what worries you. That he'll go for some other chick."

"Hell yeah! I mean, look at me. I'm a nobody."

"Don't say that."

"It's true. I'm too good for him, but I'm not enough. I don't do the fancy parties and the expensive clothes. Hell, I can barely afford any clothes. I'm too much of an introvert to me in his lifestyle."

"Look, he's a fuck boy. There's no denying that, his face says it all. But maybe give him a chance, I don't know."

"I can't... I'm so tired of having my heart broken."

"He's really worried, Frey... He wanted to come himself, but I didn't let him. These parts are too violent so I stopped him. But he still wanted to come, even knowing the danger. Maybe you're his one."

"Yeah, right!"

"Just talk it out... Come on, we're here."

We pass the border and the first face I see is Diana's. I smile and began walking to her when...

"Freya!!" I turn to see Blake. He instantly gives me a kiss and hugs me for quite some time... It felt like he was never letting go until Diana talks.

".....Okay move! I wanna hug her too!" He finally lets go and I hug Diana. "We were so worried! Are you both okay?" She asks something Blake should've asked too.

"Yeah." I force a smile.

"Sean, I could kiss you right now!" Diana tell him.

"For real? Okay." He puckers up.

"I was kidding, idiot... So where's Marc?"

"Buying food. You don't have to worry about him coming back, Freya. He's won't risk getting arrested."

"Listen, just in case you should stay with Blake." Diana tells me.

"I don't know." I whisper to her.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I've just been questioning a lot of things."

"Come on, let's get you home." Blake says, but we ignore him.

"You feel uncomfortable with him?"

"He didn't even ask if the baby was okay."

"Freya, he's scared. You should've seen how worried he was."

"I'll go with him, cause even though I don't know what his intentions are with me, I still feel safe with him. My mind was made up that he was using me to keep me from asking money and I should put it in that track again."

"What? I thought you said he loved you!"

"Yeah... I don't know what yo feel anymore."

"Just go get some rest, you need it." She takes me back to Blake and we head on to his house.

I really didn't want to talk to him so the first thing I wanted to do was lock myself in a room. But when we get there and go inside his family was there. I didn't know why they were still here!

"Oh, Freya! We were so worried!" Blake's mom walk towards me. I was still a bit confused about the whole thing and I squeeze Blake on the back.

"Mom, she's still in a bit of shock, okay?"


I go upstairs and lock myself in a room and begin to cry on a pillow... Why am I feeling this way? Why am I so confused about what I want?!!

Will Freya push Blake away again?

P.S.: I'll check for typos later, I'm too sleepy right now, lol! Good night! 😴👋🏼❤️

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