Beginning Of An Era.

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Time skip, 31 days but 256 years back.

Year 1765.

—' You don't understand Katerina. I don't know who is actually in love with me! Everyone is claiming to be in love with me and my father expects me to marry once I'm 18!'

—'I understand my highness. But how is it possible to know who's your soulmate destined to be with you?

—' Should I ask father? No.. it would be a greater problem..'

—' I know what to do.'
A voice speaked behind the curtains, as no one had the courage to enter your room without your permission.

—' Who is it? Do you know I could get you beheaded for eavesdropping on my conversation with my head maid? Who are you?'

—' I'm sorry, your highness. I'm extremely sorry. But I do have an appropriate solution for your problem.'

She still stood outside the room, bowing down.

—' Come in.'

She got inside the room, her face dropping low.

—' Speak.'

—' You can ask the sorcerers highness, they may know how to help you'

—' Where do the sorcerers reside again?'

You asked Katerina.

—'To the Westward Wingside highness, we can go there after dinner'

—' Very well. Make sure the guards don't let my father know.'

—' Sure my highness'

She bowed down and left dragging the other maiden with her.

After dinner.

—' Have you made sure that no one knows about our whereabouts? Have you told the guards to not tell anything to father?'

—' I have your highness. But I'm afraid , if your father comes to know about this he may charge the soldiers and of course they will spill. They are very loyal'

—' He won't know if they tell him first. Let's go.'

It was very dark outside, you began going to the west side of the palace, which was long forgotten and abandoned.

Why? Because they've been going through a curse, that the whole line of the sorcerers will go extinct one day. They had done something bad which they had to be punished for.

It is legally punishable to go there, especially for the royal family. But this is not the first time you're going there, you know the place very well.

Taking a marshal in your hands you had passed the outskirts of your father's place, leading to the other rulers' estates.

You could hear howls of wolves and other ferocious animals, but nothing scared you.

—' Looks like we are here.'

You look forward to a castle wrapped in moss and green. Covered in shallow leaves with a small lake nearby, perfect destination for a creepy place.

But these weren't creepy for you, you found them mystical.

Anyways you tapped on the door and it opened, like it would. It is said that the doors only open for people who are welcomed.

—'Its so dark here , your highness.. And whom are you going to look for?'

—'There's someone I just know.'

You walked through a steep staircase, leading a rather brightened and lightened room compared to the outside.

—' What is the Princess doing here?'

An old lady spoke, she may look old, but her voice is firm and youthful as ever. She may have wrinkles but stands like a proud woman.

—' I'm sorry to come here, but I am in desperate need of something.'

—' Need. That's what the royals come here for. And for credits? Nothing.'

—' Don't say that. Even if this line is said to be forgotten, it is not. Everyone remembers how powerful this place is and it holds, to be very honest father is very scared of its powers. He tries his best to not do anything wrong here.'

You left out a small chuckle after saying those words.

—' So, what are you here for?'

You explained your further situation. She furrowed her eyes after hearing your problem.

—' I do have a solution. But this will take time.'

—'Take as much time as you need! But before I become eighteen.'

—'Your highness, the remedy will be given to you on your wedding day.'

—'What? No! How- No! Before that! Or how am I supposed to know? What if it says that my fiance is not my soulmate?'

—'Princess, always know that God has created a natural remedy for everything. If you fall in love with that person and you are sure you want to marry him, there's no doubt he's your soulmate. But just to make sure, I will change your engagement ring to another one, which will give you a sign that he's your soulmate.'

—' But what if it doesn't? What if it shows he's not my soulmate? What if he's just after my kingdom? I can't elope! Where will I go? I don't have any place to stay!'

—'Princess, you WILL always fall in love with your soulmate. You can come here before the day, I will help you know if he's your soulmate or not.'

—'I am still not in terms with this. This can create a huge problem! That's the least thing I want…'

—' Okay. I will give you your ring one week before. But what do I get from it?'

—' I will make the sorcerers line legal again. People will again remember what power here belongs.'

—' Very well. Goodnight princess. Head back safe and sound.'

To be continued....

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