Part 10

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I got some manpower now, so I gonna hit Reddington where it hurts.

Reddington POV

I got this new bodyguard, but no one can replace Dembe. So I think it's time to get the assets ready for WAR. So I start calling some of my biggest rivals starting with Berlin.

"Hey Berlin, I got a deal for you."

"My my the one and only Raymond Reddington calling your biggest rival What your deal?"

"I want you to help me win a war that benefits both of us."

"And what do I get?"

"Any favour you want at anytime."

"Hm interesting. I'm considering. Who is it?

"Gina Zanetakos."

"Sorry can't."

"Wait what why? She our biggest rival."

"No she's YOUR biggest rival cause she works for me."

And then Berlin hangs up.

I can't believe this. He was going to be a big part of this war, but now I got to fight a two front war with 2 of my biggest rivals.

Well now I gotta tell Tom. So I call him.

And he didn't sound happy in fact he sounded aggressive and aggravated.

But, he gave me a idea to call The Director.

"Hey Director I know we have a little bit of history hating each other but we can work together to get rid of Gina Zanetakos."

"Yes I know about her, but I'm not going to do anything about it."


"Well, because if she wins I win and if you win I'll just destroy your reputation."

Well I knew that this wasn't going to go anywhere, so I hanged up and tried to come up with a new strategy when I hear a knock, so I go to open the door and see...

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