Chapter One

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Sally was a quite girl, she had a few friends but she kind of kept to herself. When her friends would be out enjoying life, Sally would go to her favourite place, under the old oak tree at the end of her street.
She carried a bag with her which held a pen, note pad, a book and a bottle of water. She would sit beneath the tree for hours listening to music on her headphones just thinking. Sally always returned home just before dark, still living with her parents they often became worried about her.
  This particular evening Sally walked in through the door, her parents were having a heavy discussion.
"Sally, come here?" Asked her Mother.
"What is it Mother?" Replied Sally.
Sallies face grew dim, she was kind of worried what her Parents had been talking about.
"Sally you're spending too much time on your own, you need to be around your friends more" Sighed Sallies Mother.
Sally had a deep respect for her parents, they were good people.
"Mother I am fine, really! There us nothing to worry about. Trust me!!" Said Sally trying to reassure her Parents. Sally went to her room, put some music on and laid on her bed, again, she was deep in thought.
  What was Sally thinking about, I can see why her parents were worried. Sally was 22 years old and should of been going out shopping with her friends but she wasn't like that. I wanted to believe so badly she had been working on something but she hadn't given any suggestion this was so.
The day gave in and night had taken its place, Sally looked out her windows from her room gazing at the moon and stars. She loved the night sky and I think she found it romantic but for now she climbed into bed, turned her lamp off and went to sleep. Tomorrow was just around the corner, who knows what it would bring.

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