Page Two

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Sally found herself in an office, and she was standing there in front of a man named Henry, he was tall, very handsome and polite.
Henry was a publisher, he published all kinds of books. Henry didn't notice Sally, she was in front of him but further back.
Sally looked around, up and down.
"Oh how did I get here?" She asked herself, just then she turned around and she saw her favourite famous Author walking in. Everyone stood up,
She hid behind the filing cabinet not wanting to be seen, this was strange.
Sally had had many ideas and thoughts but never did she imagine being in the same room as the Author of her favourite book 'Romance In The Corridoor '
   Sally only wished she had her book there to get it signed. Sally was never organised in this respect.
  Moment's later Sally left, still feeling excited, surprised bit a little frustrated.
Was this a sign she wondered? Had life been trying to speak to her in some way?
   Just then, Sally heard a loud noise, her alarm clock was buzzing.
It was 5am.
"Oh boy, what a dream, was I dreaming?" Thought Sally. Well she had been because she was still in bed.
Sally got up, it was still dark outside, she made some coffee and went for a walk down to the old oak tree.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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