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Silent readers dur rahoo🤚

At night,

Riddhima was sitting on her bed.. Suddenly someone knocked the door she said come in... Then her mother Ragini come inside and sit beside her taking her hand in her...

Riddhima understand that her mother wants to say something important..

R: Maa do u want to say something to me?

Ra: Yes Riddhu.. And it's very important

R: say na maa

Ra: Riddhu I know that you are only 19 and u may won't agree but remember one thing that your parents love you so much.. And we want your happiness only..

R: but what happened maa... Why are you saying this

Ra: Riddhu I don't know about your feelings but Vansh loves you and he wants to marry you

Riddhima was fully shocked.. She wasn't expecting this

R(yelling): Maa are you mad or what huh... How can you say me like this... I am only 19 and if I would more elder then also I would not marry him... I am not gonna marry him.. Never

Saying this she left the room and went to hall room where Vansh and Jay were discussing about their new project... Riddhima went towards Vansh and held his collar

R(yelling): How dare you.. How dare you to say that you will marry me... From when you know me huh that you are saying you love me..

Vansh was shocked but he tried to handle the situation

V: Riddhima list..

Interrupted by Riddhu

R: no u listen to me Mr. Whatever... How dare you... Don't you have any shame that you want to marry a girl who is just 19 and don't you think that I have my dreams also how can u just said to my parents that you will marry me...

J: Riddhu just shut up..

R(yelling): I won't.. I won't... And how could you dad huh... He said you and you agreed? ..claps for u Vansh that u trapped my parents...

J: Riddhu just shut up ...else the consequences will be worst

V: Uncle please don't say anything to her.. She is not in her senses

R: you just shut up.. I am in my full senses... And I know about your intentions... Arey it was my fault that I didn't get it earlier when you hold my hand.... I know very well that u will just use me for your desires..

Vansh was shocked that Riddhu take his love as lust..

J(yelling): Riddhu... Control your tongue

R: no I won't... First ask him with how many girls he did the same

And thuddddddddd....

Jay slapped Riddhima.. Riddhima was holding her cheek by her hand

R(teary eyes) : da... Dad... You.. Slap...slapped me... Fo... For.. Thi.. This... Va.. Vansh

J: you deserved it Riddhu... We always forgave you for your faults because we thought you are immature a childish girl but I never thought that you have a low class mentality...

Riddhima didn't said anything and left the room crying... Ragini was standing beside Vansh

Ra: I am sorry beta for her behaviour

V(upset): It's okay aunty... Maybe it was only my fate that I will not get anyone's love..

J: beta please don't say like this... I am promising you that u and only you will be our son in law... I know Riddhu is not agreeing with this marriage but soon she will... We are her parents.. We always wants her happiness and we believe that only you will keep her happy except us she have no one and me and Ragini were always worried about this that after us who will take care of our princess but now we are relaxed because we know you are there to keep our princess happy

V(smiles): Uncle thank you for trusting me... I will never break your trust..

Ra: we should thank you that after Riddhima's yelling still you are not angry

V(smiles): because I love her...

R(eyes full of tears and hugged Vansh): Thank you beta thank you so much... I always wanted someone like you for my Riddhu..

V: Aunty... May I call you Maa just like Riddhima call u

R(broke the hug) : of course

J: Then call me dad..

V(smiles): ok dad..

Then they all went to their room..

Riddhima's room,

Riddhima's Pov:

I won't marry that Vansh.. And I can't believe that my parents also agreed with him.. How? How he successfully manipulated them? I have my own Dreams also.. I want to be a doctor... But what my parents are doing.. They are trying to marry me with Vansh.. Am I a burden to them now.. I know very well that billionaires like Vansh just use womens for their desires but I am not gonna marry him nor give myself to him... I know now he wants to marry me then he will use me and cage me.. He will not let me study.. But now I decided that I will not live here.. So tomorrow I will escape from here..

Pov ends...

Target : 130+votes

That's it for today....will try to update the next part long.. Bye 👋

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