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Tanjiro frantically pressed a finger to his lips to silence his wild friend. To his relief, Inosuke relented and instead mouthed, "What are you doing?"

Tanjiro wagged the finger in front of his face for emphasis and then cupped one of his ears in a gesture to tell Inosuke to listen.

The other boy copied the gesture with a questioning face.

His friend nodded and pointed to the door behind them.

Tanjiro felt guilty about what he was doing, but when he stumbled upon the situation and heard the words sung, he became increasingly worried for his emotional friend. Also he would admit that Zenitsu's voice was nicer than he expected, but that is besides the point.

He's worried. The heavy smell of sadness seeped through the door. He could feel the weight of it in his spirit.

"I hope he's okay..." he whispered in his mind.

The sounds of the koto started again. A new melody dancing on the notes.

Tanjiro glanced over at Inosuke. He noticed the boy's jade eyes grew wider with curiosity.

"Say you're there when I feel helpless.

If that's true, why don't you help me.

It's my fault. I know I'm selfish."

Zenitsu's voice was soft and clear as it harmonized with the strings of the koto.

Inosuke was taken aback.

"What the heck, Zuitsu?" he mouthed in surprise.

"Stand alone my soul is jealous.

It wants love, but I reject it.

Trade me joy for my protection."

"I don't understand..." Tanjiro wondered, "He sounds like he really means what he's saying. I can feel the weight of the words... but why? Why do you feel like this, Zenitsu?"

"Grab my hand I'm drowning.

I feel my heart pounding.

Why haven't you found me yet?

I hold you so proudly.

Traumas they surround me.

I wish you just loved me back."

Something in Tanjiro's chest twinged painfully.
"Who- Who is he talking about? Is he talking about us? His scent is lonely. It- It's stifling!"

He glanced at his friend, who was strangely tame, he also looked uncomfortable.

"Say you're here, but I don't feel it.

Give me peace, but then you steal it.

Watch them laugh at all my secrets.

Scream and yell, but I feel speechless.

Ask for help you call it weakness.

Lied and promised me my freedom."

Guilt was written clearly on Inosuke's face. He lowered his head as he found himself reflected in some of the lyrics.

The other boy winced. His brows furrowed in worry.

"Have I not been as good of a friend as I should be? Maybe not... I left him alone at the foot of the mountain that one time. He said he was scared and I just left him... and then he ended up being the most injured after the mission! Stupid! I feel so stupid. I should been more patient. I was scared too so why? Why didn't I..."

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