Chapter 2

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Jade sent you a message
A message notification popped up on my screen. A smile creep into my face. Seems like he off his work and he is ready to talk to me.
“Good evening. You had a dinner? Sorry it took me a lot of time, I was so busy.” That was his message, hmm he loves to explain.
“Good evening too. It’s okay, no I haven’t ate my dinner yet. I am still full.” Since I did not see he was typing that means the he is not online. We started talking early in the morning. And ended our conversation right after he got off on his work. It’s already evening and he just chatted me. I think he was really busy all day.
I went to the kitchen to get some food, I left my phone in my room.
“Good evening Mom.”
“Good evening, you haven’t got out of your room again Issa.” Issa is my nickname from mom.
“I have nothing to do outside mom. What’s the use of going out? Besides I enjoy the comfort of my room. It give me peace of mind.”
“Issa, can you please stop that mindset? You need to socialize, get some light from the sun. Look at you, you’re so pale. Are you still taking up your vitamins?” she asked me, but I know that based on the tone of her voice she is pissed off.
“Mom, I have tons of work to do and I can do it inside of my room.”
“Make sure you are not staying late at night because if you do I will gather your phones before you go to your room.” She scolded me, in disappoint I did not answer back. My mouth needs to shut up because for sure if I will defend myself we will just have disagreements and I cannot do anything about it.
“Stop putting your lips Issa. You are a college student now and you are still acting like a baby. Look at yourself, can you please make it more presentable?” Even though I was insulted when she said I have to make myself look presentable I did not talk back about it. In this family, body shaming will always be present.
“Okay mom.” That was all I could say. Because of what I have heard I decided not to eat. I am not that hungry, I will eat later if I have the appetite. I lose my interest to eat as of the moment.
“Where are you heading?” she asked me.
“Back to my room mom. I have works to do, I almost forgot that I have home works to cater.” I explained and scratch my head.
I left the kitchen and went upstairs. I opened my room’s door, and I looked at my phone. It lit up. I immediately went inside, locked my door and lay myself in my bed.
“Why haven’t you eat yet?”
“Still there?”
“You busy?”
“Okay, I think you are. You can take your time. I will just be here.”
“And, don’t forget to eat your dinner.”
I just left for a few minutes, had some arguments with my other and he had sent me five messages? Well, I guess he is not busy. I will talk to him for a moment while I let the time pass. I still don’t want to go downstairs and hear awful comments from the members of my family. I hate to sit in front of the table being the topic of everyone. That’s why I always think of an alibi so that I cannot eat dinner together with them.
“Hey, sorry to reply late. I uhm, did some things.” I click the send button.
“It is okay. So, am I disturbing you?”
“Not really. I am not doing anything. Just reading some stuffs.”
“So may I ask, what brought you here?”
“My curiosity and my boredom. I just saw this app on my newsfeed. I read the reviews and I somehow satisfied.”
“That’s cool, I’ve been here for months but still haven’t talk to someone like this. Ghosters are here.”
“Yeah, people who abandon our feelings are always around. They beat around the bush though.”
“So, did you ate your dinner?”
“Actually, I didn’t I had some misunderstandings with my mother.”
“You should not skip your meals.”
“I’ll eat later, I just can’t be with them in the dining table.”
“Why not?”
“Well, I hate being the topic of the dinner. They always roast me with awful comments.”
“That sucks though.”
“Yeah it does, it hurts me a lot. It also affects me, thinking why do I have to experience this? Why do I have to hear those comments I never wanted to hear.”
“Well, for me I won’t judge you. I am not in the position.”
“Thanks. So by the way can you introduce yourself? You know, as what you have said earlier the getting to know each other pace.”
“Okay. I am Jade Ace Santillan. But you can call me jade, I am here on tinder to find someone I can vibe with. I love coffee too. Self-employed. You know my age right? It could be seen on my profile. Is it a big deal for you if our age gap is a little bit far?”
“Hi Kuya Jade, no it is okay with me. Age doesn’t matter when it comes to someone whom I talk with. You are cool and comfortable to talk to so why bother of our age gap.”
“Care to introduce yourself then?”
“Sure, I am Larissa Quince. Issa for short. I am a college student. Well I love writing and reading, I love them as much as I love coffee.”
“You have a cool hobby.”
“Thanks for the compliment.”
“So since I already questioned you earlier about experience stuffs are you into something new? Discoveries?”
“Not too ready but I can vibe with it. I mean yeah I’m in with adventures. I am in with new experiences.”
“What if I told you that you got my attention?”
“Haha, that’s absurd though. I mean you haven’t got to know me very well.”
“But you actually did. I won’t lie but I am also here for sexual stuffs.”
“I won’t judge you. If you are into it just cut me out.”
“But I am not saying that I want you for that stuff.”
“That’s good at least we are clear now.”
“I don’t take advantage of someone. Even though you have your experience I would not take away the validity of your feelings. I know you are still hurt and I cannot take that away from you. Chill we can just have some coffee. I am not that obsessed when it comes to sex.”
“Thank you Jade. It really means a lot to me to have someone who does not invalidate what I feel.”
“Of course, I’ve been on that stage too and I could say that it is not good and healthy. It also made me doubt about myself. You will be healed soon. Manifest it.”
“Thank you so much Jade.”
“It’s good to see and read that you are not calling me kuya. It seems like you don’t treat me as your big brother.”
“Haha, sorry. But if you want I can address you Kuya Jade.”
“No need. Jade will do.”
“Okay. I’ll just eat my dinner. I think they are done and I can eat all alone without amful comments.”
“Sure, take your time.”
I wasn’t able to reply because I feel asleep right after I finish eating, washing the dishes and lay myself on the bed. I was awaken only when I had that nightmare again. A nightmare I never wish to have. It doesn’t mean that I moaned and I cummed I like it. It doesn’t mean that I nodded he had my consent, I really wish I could take back the time and push him.
I was crying while catching my breath when I opened my eyes begging the above Almighty to ease my pain.
To be continued…

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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