Chapter 1

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“I am cumming Larissa.” My boyfriend was on top of me he is thrusting inside and out his manhood in me. I enjoyed the sensation I am feeling right now. But something is off, as much as I wanted to moan I realized that he took advantage of me.
“S-stop.” I tried to pull him off but he just continued fucking me, savouring every inch of my womanhood to cum.
“Just-just a little bit Larissa.”
A tear slid on my eye, I don’t want this.
“Moan, come on moan my name Larissa I know you are enjoying.”
He continued fucking me, changing our positions. Even though I disagree my body wants the sensation. I was in full bliss as I reached my climax. I could see stars while I cum. Minutes after I reached my peak I could feel my boyfriend’s hot semen in my stomach. My boyfriend just cummed right after I did.
“Woah, can’t believe you were that delicious Larissa.” He kissed me and wipe all the semen he spurted out.
“What did you do?” I asked him, my voice is shaking and they are about to crack. I could feel my eyes are hot and a tear slid in my eyes again.
“Hush, you enjoyed it right?” because I loved him I nodded. Yes I enjoyed but I won’t let you do that again. I said to myself. He kissed me once again and slid his finger inside of me,
“Shhh.” I hugged him as he slowly moved his fingers inside of me.
“Ah---shit.” I moaned when I feel his finger moving a little bit faster than earlier.
“You like it Larissa? Come on moan for me. Your voice is so soothing for my ears.” He played my womanhood with his fingers making me wet even more. I tried not to moan but I just can’t help it.
“You want me to stop?” I nodded, but instead of following what I said he slid his finger inside of me once again pushing it inside and pulling it outside. He did it in a faster pace and all I could do was to moan once again.
“Ahh-s-stop it please.”
“I can’t hear you Larissa.” He teased me.
“I can’t---I, ahhhh.”
“What Larissa? You want me to move faster? As you wish sweetie.” He move his finger even faster making me cum again.
“I-m about to cum.”
“Then cum. I want to taste your sweetness.”
“Ahh-s-stop!” I shouted, and woke up. I was catching my breath when I opened my eyes. I got off of my bed and went to the kitchen to drink some water. I keep telling myself that I should stay calm and do not panic.
‘It was just a dream Larissa. It was just a bad dream. You are okay now. Stop thinking about it.’
I keep telling myself that it was all in the past. That I have to move forward and it already happened. As much as possible I have to act I am okay or else my parents would question my weirdness inside the house. Although I have been mourning about it for months I still cannot get it rid out of my mind. I went inside my comfort room to take a hot shower. Those happenings still felt so surreal.
I cannot imagine I let that scumbag take advantage of my weakness. He really thinks he’s good in bed. I highly doubt that. He’s performance is a nightmare for me. I gritted my teeth because of disappointment. The least I could do right now is be okay. That’s a big must.
After I was done taking a bath I cooked for my breakfast so that I could go back to my room. I am Larissa Quince, a college student. Since boredom hit me up after breakfast I scrolled on my social media account.
I saw this app which is called, “tinder” and since I am curious I checked it on the playstore. I read the amazing reviews and I was interested about the app. Right after I downloaded it I set up my profile with few information. As much as possible I won’t spill all my private information. Still wanna be discrete, or a little bit mysterious.
“You and jade matched”
I smiled while reading the message. I just downloaded the app and I already have someone to talk to. I am just so bored that’s why I am here. I set up my profile to gain more acquaintances. I was in the middle of confirming my pictures to be displayed in the app when Jade sent me a message, cool that was fast.
“Hey, uhm would you mind if we talk?” I read his message for more than three times to make sure if I am reading it wrong.
I typed my reply saying, “Sure. No worries.”
I saw him typing and I waited for it. Wishing my internet connection would behave.
“So I guess, you already read my bio.” That was his message with a smiley face.
“Wait what?” I typed my reply and hit the send button.
“You should take a look so that you would understand what I mean.”
Because he told me what should I do I checked his profile. I was quite curious with that coffee and chill. I enamoured coffee so much so no wonder I swipe right for him.
“Oh, haha. I was curious about coffee and chill though.” I replied.
“So? Still in or out?”
“In of course.”
“So do you have any experience?”
“Experience with what?” I chuckled while I hit the send button to reply.
“Experience, like sex.” I was in aghast while I read his message. As much as possible I don’t want other people to mess me up. I mean, I don’t want someone to mind my business when they are not into me in the first place.
“Ops, haha. You can guess it if you want.”
“Why can’t you just answer it? Look I am not a judge so I won’t judge you. You are safe.” He replied and with a smiley face again at the end.
“What if I said yes?”
“Then that’s okay. You are still a woman.”
“Is that it? I highly doubt it. You know trust issues.”
“Don’t be, I won’t judge you. So do you have experience?”
“I had, but actually it was taken from me without my consent. I am not proud of it.”
“Hush, okay. So care to share?”
“I wish I could but every time I think of it I just burst into tears.”
“Okay, I won’t force you. Still want to lend my ears whenever you’re ready.
“Thank goodness. You are such a blessing.”
“Don’t mention it. So uhm, do you mind having a talk with me? I mean getting to know each other phase. And since we matched I guess coffee hooked your attention we can go out sometimes.”
“Yeah sure. I feel I am a little bit comfortable with you.”
“Thanks, I will take that as a compliment. By the way I’ll be offline for a few minutes. You know work and stuffs. I have to fix my things because I am going home.”
“Sure, take your time.”
After that conversation I also set my status offline because I have no one to talk to. He is a gentleman though, based on his words he really is. I wish I could to know him more. I longed for this presence someone I could say that would not dare to listen to me. Someone who would console my heavy feeling. And I guess, if this conversation with Jade would work out. I would be the happiest woman to have someone I can lean on.
To be continued…

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