2. I love you

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Dean banged his head against the book he was looking at on the mahogany table. There was absolutely no information on the creature he and Sam were hunting. Sam- having been the healthier and more responsible of the two -had gone to sleep hours before now.

Castiel raised an eyebrow at the hunter's odd action. Cas made tea as the Winchester researched, making enough for two people. Earlier that day, they had gone to the grocery store ("No, Dean. Shopping for groceries is way less expensive than eating out every single freaking day.") and the angel begged them to get stuff for tea.

So Castiel was making his new favorite drink for him and his boyfriend. He watched with a slight smile on his face as Dean took out his father's journal and flipped through the pages, checking the book thoroughly. Dean sighed as he came up with nothing.

There was no information on the creature. Nothing, absol-fucking-lutely nothing. There was nothing in the journal or any books in the library. When Dean talked to a researcher, he was told that whatever traces he had didn't belong to a creature in existence. When he asked Bobby and other contacts, they gave him jack-shit.

It was frustrating and Dean was damn near ready to give up. But being the person he was, he knew that even if it was hard he should never give up and risk the possibility of other people being hurt by the thing they were supposed to kill.

He grabbed another book- one he had already checked earlier- and looked through it. There had to be something to clue him in on what they were hunting. There was no way nothing fit the M.O.  No flipping way.

"Why the hell is there nothing?" Dean muttered, feeling droopy. He looked over at the clock on the nightstand. It read 12 o'clock am, which seem too early to be going to sleep.

Cas walked over to Dean with the cups of tea in hand. He plopped down on the chair across from his boyfriend and handed Dean's tea to Dean. Castiel opened a book- deciding to try helping the poor hunter- and he started reading it, sipping on his drink.

"Thanks," Dean said, gazing at the angel lovingly. I really appreciate you giving this to me, he wanted to say but he thought that was too corny and out of place to say. So, he used a facial expression to show his gratitude towards the angel.

After a while, Cas closed the book when he saw Dean staring at him. Dean turned away and looked at his book, blushing slightly at being caught. Castiel got up and walked around the table to Dean, taking his tea with him. The angel placed a delicate kiss on top of the hunter's head.

"Goodnight, my love," Cass whispered against Dean's soft hair, placing his free hand on his boyfriend's shoulder.

Thank Chuck for Gabriel giving Castiel the ability to have human qualities because Cas liked them. He liked sleeping and eating. Especially now he was able to wish Dean a good night, something he liked seeing in "chick flick movies". Luckily Gabriel didn't give him other things such as needing to use the restroom and what Dean called being horny.

Dean put his own hand over Castiel's and squeezed it a little bit. "Goodnight, Cas," he murmured. "Have a good rest and I'll see you in the morning. M'kay, babe?" A beat passed before Cass responded.

"I will try. Don't go to sleep too late because if you do, I'm having Sam drive tomorrow so you could get your rest." Dean smiled at the thought but was internally cursing Cas' care for his health. Sam was not driving his baby while he was around. No flipping way he was going to allow it.

"Don't worry. I'll join you in a bit. Just need to-" Dean yawned "-finish this up."

"Okay. You better." The hunter laughed. Castiel put his drink down on the table before walking to the bed on the right, the one not being occupied with their young long-haired giant who was near the edge of the bed. He laid down under the covers and stayed on the right side, knowing Dean would want to be in hands reach of Sam.

Not too soon after- when Cas was nearing sleep- Dean put their cups in the small counter. He thought about washing them off in the bathroom sink but decided against it, thinking that it was unsanitary.

He walked over to his boyfriend and got on the other side of the bed. Cass put his arms around Dean's waist and Dean put his arm around Castiel's shoulders, pulling Cas into a side-hug. It had been a long day so it was nice to just lay down with his angel.

Cas' head rested on his boyfriend's chest and he listened to Dean's breathing to fall asleep. "I love you," Castiel mumbled in the silence of the room. A few minutes later, he repeated himself over and over unexpectedly. "I love you. I love you, I love you." He tightened his arms around his boyfriend.

"Woah, Cas," Dean said with concern for his partner. This was weird and worried Dean because it wasn't like anything that happened before. Something was seriously off with Cas right now. "What's wrong?"

Cas took a moment to think about what to say. Taking a deep breath, he said in a weak voice, "I... I never in my lifetime imagined I would end up here, having something I'd always dreamed of. It was always a fantasy and now, with you, I have found it. I found love, Dean, in you. I love you and I would say it a hundred times a minute if I could.

"You're so... smart and beautiful and strong. I cannot fathom how you came to be in a relationship with me, the disobedient angel of the lord." Dean was about to say something to counter the comment about being disobedient but Castiel continued to talk, his speech becoming faster as he spoke. "I love you tremendously and I cannot imagine living another lifetime without you and-"

"Cas, babe, you're rambling."

The angel took a few moments to compose himself. "You... you're right. My... my apologies. I did not mean to lose control over myself but every word I've said is true." Cas loosened his arms a little. This time in full confidence and coherent language, he said clearly, "I love you."

Unfortunately by this time, Dean had processed the situation. He became hyper aware of what his boyfriend was saying and it hit him in full force. 'Course, this might not make sense but stick with me here because I have half an idea about what the hell I'm writing.

The hunter laid there for a second, breathless. Cas is saying it, he thought. He's actually saying it. He cleared his dry throat before speaking. "I love you too, Huggybe- Cas. I-I meant Cas." His cheeks darkened and the little light they had reflecting from outside the motel made sure Dean was not seen.

Castiel smiled at his awkward boyfriend. He understood what Dean was feeling. "I quite like that nickname. It's... how do you say... cute." Dean's blush deepened. He didn't mean for that particular word to come out of his mouth, especially one as embarrassing as that.

"Cool... that's..." Dean trailed off. He, along with the author, did not know what to say/write. "Awesome?"

The angel laugh quietly and he thought about how he freaked out. It wasn't caused by anything, it was just a thought alone that had put him into the state of panic. "Go to sleep and we can talk about it tomorrow. I love you, Dean."

"Love you too, babe." Dean set his hand on top of his boyfriend's messy black hair and- much like a pet -Cas leaned into his touch, still keeping his arms around the righteous man and his head on his boyfriend's chest.

The righteous man began to faintly hum a familiar melody -one Cas recognized as "Hey Jude" by the Beatles- before falling asleep a few minutes later. Castiel had fallen asleep a little bit before Dean. As they fell into a slumber, they both had the same thought.

I love this man.


Yay, I finished another one!!!

Holy crap, that's actually amaze-balls. Dude, I've only worked/written this for/in three days. Lol, this never happens. And I think it's about a page and a half, too. I'm so happy with the way this turned out (even though I never intended it to be the way it is).

Question of the chapter, what's your favorite desert? Mine is either strawberries & cream or... hmm... oooo, mountain-berry pie. "Love me some" mountain-berry "pie."

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