Her Eyes, His Weakness

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All of these are only imagination. 

Please note that english not my first language so sorry for any grammar mistake.

Also this is my first ever fanfiction, so comment and critics are welcome.

This story has been published on my AO3 account.

Happy Reading \^0^/


Walking side by side with Rona will always be Seokhoon's little happiness. After finishing a supposed dinner date with his mom and sister, Seokhoon decided to accompany Rona until her apartment's door. If she is in the mood for tea or coffee, she usually lets him in and have a cup of tea or coffee in her house.

"You didn't need to do this, Seokhoon-ah. You know I already recovered and healthy" Rona smiled at him which made him smile too

"It's what i wanna do, Rona" Smiled back at her

"Don't feel guilty and just treat me the way you used to be. That way, i'll be more comfortable, Seokhoon-ah" waving at him, her word made Seokhoon remember all the bad attitude that Rona received up until now. Suddenly He remembered the talk at the restaurant that Rona decided not to go to university.

Seeing her smile when she said that, Seokhoon felt like Rona was hiding something from him. Sighed, Maybe he can ask Rona about something he already planned for both of them.

"Do you wanna go to US with me? " He sees Rona frozen in front of her apartment's door. He decided to explain it, " If you're having a hard time because of others, let's go to US and study there with me. I'll look up for the university for us"

Rona turned her whole body to him, her face became unreadable and showed some kind of discomfort, " Why would you do that? Just don't. You're capable to go to Seoul University"

"You too, Rona. You're capable too but decided not to go"

"I don't deserve it"

"Then I don't deserve it too after what horrible things my father has done to you. You're asking me to live shamelessly, prepare for college tests and go to school well. But why are you running away alone ? When it's someone else to blame" Seokhoon didn't realize he raised his voice until he saw Rona's face.

Seokhoon sighed. He took Rona in his embrace, "Don't give up anything, at least not because of me. If you don't like it here, let's leave this country with me. I'll do everything with you from now on and i won't leave you alone again" Feeling Rona already comforted in his embrace, Seokhoon strokes Rona's smooth hair, "There is nothing that can break us anymore, Rona-ya. I promise"

Seokhoon took Rona to face him. With her big innocent eyes, Seokhoon slightly blush and get some kind of inappropriate idea.

"Will it be okay if I do this?" Seokhoon put his face closer to her as if he wanna kiss her right here right then.

But when his lips were just an inch closer from her lips, his eyes met with her innocent eyes again and he was taken aback. Seokhoon retreated and cleared his throat. He sees Rona and she has a kind of disappointed look on her face.

"Ugh, I'll go back. Bye" waving at her, Seokhoon decided that it's not a proper time to do that yet--


-- or not. Smiling while hoping for something, he looks back at Rona and sees her taking off her scarf-- much to his disappointment.

"Yes?" This isn't what he expected

"Please give this to your mom"

Receiving her mother's scarf from Rona's hand, Seokhoon smiles "I'll surely give this to her. Go in now" waving at her for the second time. But before he can take a step far from her, he feels something smooth on his left check. Her lips.

Frozen and stunned. Seokhoon's eyes widened. His face was blushing hard.

"Also, just close your eyes next time if you wanna kiss me. I know my eyes are your weakness. Good night" She whispered to his left ear.

Before Seokhoon can catch Rona, she already went to her apartment and left him speechless because of her act.

Chuckling and smiling like crazy, Seokhoon starts taking his leave from Rona's apartment door.

"Bae Rona, She will be the death of me"

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