Chapter 1

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Perrie's POV:

Oh, god, I'm so late. Why can't I just wake up when my alarm clock goes off? Noooo, I need to snooze five times and make myself late every single day.

I jump around my dorm room, trying to get my shoes on while getting my bag and grabbing an apple for breakfast. Halfway through that process, I stumble and lose my balance. Of course, my backpack falls to the floor upside down, spilling all its contents on the floor. This morning is the prime example of Murphy's law.

"Fuck." I murmur as I try to get everything that has fallen out back inside so I can continue my journey to my class.

When I leave my room, I only have five minutes left to run across campus and find my classroom. As I turn the corner from my hallway to the staircase, I crash into someone else.

As expected, I crash to the floor while the other person just stands there looking down at me. "So Pez, late again?"

I look up to find an amused Claud looking down. Claudimar has been one of my best friends ever since I started college. We were two lost freshmen and decided to be lost together from day one. Our dorms happen to be very close to each other so we often bump into each other like this.

He stretches out his hand for me to take and pulls me back up to my feet. "Shut up, you're late yourself."

"True, let's go." The brunette says before grabbing my hand and running to our classroom.

Two hours later, I am already dreading the rest of my day. The next class is English and I'm pretty bad at it. It's not that I don't like it, I really try to get good grades, but my brain just doesn't get what's happening.

Good thing that the teacher is really kind and doesn't hate me because I suck at her class. I hate teachers that do that.

I walk into the classroom two minutes before class starts and half of the chairs are already taken. I quickly scan the room for a good seat and see an empty chair next to Ellie. "Hi Ellie, you left early this morning."

"I just left on time so I don't have to sprint across the halls as you do." My roommate says with a smirk. I just roll my eyes at her, but she's definitely not wrong there. I should probably try and get up early, but I know that will be a lost effort. I do love my sleep.

"Hello class, today you're getting your last week's essay back. Most of you did really well on the assignment so congrats."

Just then, the door of the classroom opens and a brunette walks in. "Oh, Ms Thirlwall, you decided to join us."

"I'm so sorry I'm late Miss, it won't happen again." The brunette cutely says.

"I'm just messing with you. I know you would never be late on purpose." The teacher says as Jade makes her way to her place with a cute smile on her face.

Jade Thrilwall is the definition of a teacher's pet. I get why though, she always sits in the front, participates in every class, has good grades, and she never gets in trouble. In the typical American movie, she would be the one that gets bullied by the popular girls because she's a nerd.

Luckily for us, this is not America and this is not a shitty movie. We're all just nice to each other and clicks aren't really a thing. Of course, everyone has their group of friends, but everybody hangs out with everybody really.

The teacher starts handing out our assignments and I just feel in my gut that I did bad. The day before we needed to hand in our essay, I stayed up all night trying to perfect it, but I still wasn't happy about it when I handed it in.

When Ms Lovato starts walking over to me, I can already see the disappointment in her eyes. Oh god, this can't be good. "Perrie, I'm sorry, but I couldn't let you pass." I drop my head sadly at her words.

"You just completely missed the point of the assignment. I do really see potential in you, but you need to find a way to get your thoughts written on the paper." I nod my head and already start stressing about our next assignment.

"That's why I'm going to set you up with a tutor. Is that okay with you?" I sigh softly because I really don't want to depend on someone for my grades, but deep down I know I need it to pass this class.

"Yeah, sure."

For the rest of the class, I'm not really paying attention to Ms Lovato. Normally, I'm not the type of person that really cares a lot about bad grades, but this time I really tried my best and gave my all and I still sucked. Ellie is giving me a concerned look from beside me, but I manage a tight smile to reassure her that I'm okay.

"Okay, that's it for now class. Ms Edwards and Ms Thirlwall, can you come here for a second?"

I slowly make my way to her desk and see Jade already standing there chatting with Ms Lovato like they're best friends. How does she do that?

"So Perrie, like I told you I'm going to pair you up with a tutor. You know Jade, right?" I nod my head at that and look over at the brunette, who is already smiling widely at me.

"She is the best student in this class and she would love to tutor you, so you guys can work something out and I hope it pays off."

I just shrug while Jade is already talking animatedly again. "I'll try my best to help Perrie to the best of my abilities. Maybe I want to become a teacher myself when I'm older."

Ms Lovato smiles at Jade but turns her attention back to me. "Don't feel bad about this Perrie. You're doing good in all your other classes, so you don't need to worry."

"Yeah, thank you miss Lovato."

I turn around on my heels and start walking out of the class. Right outside the door, a warm hand grabs onto my wrist, making me turn around. Jade is standing there looking at me with her big brown eyes.

"I know that you don't really like this arrangement, but I really want to help you, Perrie."

The way my name rolls off her tongue sounds really soothing to me, Jade is truly a kind person. "That's really sweet of you. I'm just a little disappointed right now but why don't we meet up tomorrow for a first tutoring session?"

"Sounds perfect." She says smiling and turns around to go to her next class.

That girl really is one of the sweetest people in this school, probably one of the most innocent ones too.

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