Portal will i ever get out!?

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(Hey forgot to say that Cream is Blaze little sister)
Blaze POV
"wake up sisy wake up"Cream said "oh i'm up"i said and tickled her playfully
"HAHAHAHSTOPIT!!"she said out loud making

Rouge and Amy wake up so we took a bath and i wore black pants and sky blue sweater with snowflakes

And me and Cream got out and i saw Jet "BLAZE"Jet said coming at me
"Yes?"i said "come i wanna show u something"he said

"Sure"i said and i followed him and i saw a portal "come lets go in with your sister"Jet said "umm okay"i said and me and cream jumped

i felt dizzy and i saw many hills and i see Cream wasn't here "CREAM CREAM!!"i shouted really loud

Still no answer "oh no i guess we...got....s...separated"i said and i saw a ruined city plus i see Wave "Blaze what are U doing here?"she said disgusted

"To have some fun"i said "okay very well have some "fun" MUWAHAHAHAH!"she said

And i started to find Cream and i saw it was getting very dark so i saw a house and i slept there

Cream POV
Oh no i'm separated with Blaze i saw a little house and i opened the door but first i saw pink roses

"Yay"i said and grabbed all of them and i told cheese to knock on the door and a echidna opened it but i Didn't notice because i saw playing with the flowers

"Come in little fella"the echidna said and carried me "have u seen my sister?"i asked the echidna "no but my name is Marla and your name is?"she asked

"Cream and i'm 6 years old"i said "okay u can sleep beside me for days until we find your sister k?"she asked"okay "i said

Blaze POV
I slept inside a big house but the city is ruined well i gotta go to sleep

I jumped out of bed took a bath and wore the same dress but i cleaned it
And i rome around the city

Cream POV
I woke up "Marla come on"i said
"Its a dangerous place out there so we're Bringing my friends"Marla said

And then she whistled and 12 peoples came out and i saw the 3 at the back looked like sonic so i walked to them

"Excuse Me sir but do u know who is Sonic?"i said looking at the three of them

"How do u know our father?"The blue with white stripes asked "i'm from the past with my Sister Blaze"i said and they were shocked

"B-Bla-Blaze?"the guy with red and white skin asked "yes she's my sister "
I said "never knew our auntie is 6 years old"the guy with all white fur said

And the 3 of them Laughed and Marla picked me up and searched out

Someone shoot the pink girl it was a lighter "REVEAL YOURSELF!!"Marla shouted and we saw an big man in top of the building

And he was going to shoot me but the guy with blue and white pushed me but he wasn't hurt

"HEY PICK SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE!!"i hear someone said in another top Building and i saw Blaze use her chaos control to get the stones and step on it to go to the enemy and she shoot

Fire balls at the enemy and the enemy gripped her hand and an emerald shows up and he got it and throw it at the Ground

And fire came out of nowhere and pushed the enemies to the ground
"And thats why they picked me as Guardian"Blaze said

And the Blaze go Back at the Building and the Enemy put something on her to make her feel dizzy and she fall to the building

But jet catches her

Blaze POV
I fell while dizzy but someone catches me its uhh "J-jet?"i said super duper Dizzy

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