Chapter 21 - Time to Play

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Taehyung always enjoyed movies. While Jimin gorged on the romantic ones, the ones where the perfect two people meet one another, fall in love, and live happily ever after, Taehyung enjoyed the ones that left them on the edge of the seat, screaming.

The thrill of it made him feel alive. The imminent fear that eventually led to relief because the danger was never real. It was fun.

But today it's not. Because this time the fear feels very real. Yet he isn't on the edge of his seat. He isn't sweating or screaming. In fact, he is unexpectedly calm and collected.

He spent the whole of the Sunday with Hoseok and Arin. That's one checkbox complete.

This morning he ran into Yoongi, whose demeanor towards him only seemed to have worsened. It did not deter him though.

"Thank you," Taehyung said, stopping Yoongi by getting in his way.

Yoongi raised his eyebrows, the mistrust glinting in his eyes.

Taehyung smiled. "For putting up with me despite not wanting to."

"None of that was for you. I did it because hyung wanted me to," he replied and turned to go away.

"You know," Taehyung said, his voice calling for attention.

Yoongi stopped, back facing the other.

"I sometimes wonder if you were right," Taehyung continued. "That night."

Yoongi turned just his face to glance at him.

Taehyung gathered a smile again. "The first time we met. You should've killed me." He didn't have to wait for Yoongi to respond. He meant every word he said. He wanted the truth to be out there even if he wouldn't be anymore.

Another checkbox marked.


As soon as Taehyung steps out of the shower, he hears Seokjin's footsteps. Something as simple as that hurts him. He hates that he remembers the sound of his footsteps – during the day obviously. At night, Seokjin is a cat. Taehyung can practically not hear him even if he was seeing him walk right in front of him.

He sighs, thinks of the first time Seokjin kissed him. He thinks of the way Seokjin's hands feel on him, the way he likes running hands through his hair and then tugging at them just enough so that it doesn't hurt but makes him feel wanted.

He opens his eyes, sighs again and walks out to the living room.

Seokjin's broad naked shoulders catch the morning light, the ends of his hair glazing brown than a natural black.

Taehyung has his dopey smile on. He slides his arms around Seokjin's waist and drops a kiss on his shoulder.

"Took quite a while with the shower," Seokjin remarks, the smile audible.

Taehyung loves his low morning voice. He leaves another kiss, this time on the cheek. He can't help but blush at how domestic their days have become.

Seokjin turns around and kisses him.

Taehyung lets out a giggle and then sees the breakfast spread behind Seokjin. "You went all out, hyung."

"You wouldn't get out of the shower," Seokjin says, kisses him again.

"Hmph," Taehyung leans to whisper, his hands straying down to the other's crotch. "Was readying myself."

"Should we eat or – " Seokjin asks, though he already stripping Taehyung off his clothes.

Taehyung grins, blindingly. "Eat me first. Then the foo – "


"I like this," Taehyung says, playing with the now lukewarm water in the tub.

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