Chapter 1

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    It was in the middle of the night, and I was laying on this old mattress. Well, if you could even call it that. It had woolen, homemade blankets that we took when we fled our home, and it was filled with something I couldn't remember. I might not remember it off the top of my head, but I know it was the worst kind of filling you could think of. It had a bunch of holes in it as well, and the outside was very worn out. It had been used by my parents, my grandparents, and so on for about 4 generations or so. Outside my window, the moon was as bright as the sun, and the stars were just as bright. I wish they were only things floating around in my mind. I just couldn't sleep, I was terrified. With the war going on, I could get captured at any minute by the humans. It's not like my window had an invisible barrier through it too, as it was just a hole leading to the outside world. I was trying to let go of all my thoughts and just relax, but that obviously wasn't going to happen. I was just so awake. I was about to try and close my eyes for about the eighth time when I heard a knock on the window. I then heard these words being whispered.

"Hey, Blaze, come over here real quick."

It sounded familiar, but I still couldn't make it out. I turned my head to look out the corner of my eye, and it was another hybrid, which was good. I then sat up and looked out my window, and it was my best friend, Cozmo. I got up from my bed and quietly walked over to my window. I anxiously asked,

"What are you doing out this late? Humans could be anywhere!!"

"I wanted to ask you something.."

"What could you possibly want to ask when it's probably almost midnight?"

"Do you want to escape this warzone with me and Vercon?"

I was at a loss for words. On one hand, I wouldn't be in danger anymore, and I would be with some of my closest friends. But on the other hand, I couldn't just tell my parents that I'm leaving, and humans were always on patrol this late. Everyone would be in danger either way.

"I... I'm not totally sure if that would be the smartest thing to do."

"Come on, we'd cut through the field and climb the wall that leads to the forest! No big deal."

He sounded so confident about this plan, even though it was one of the dumbest things I'd ever heard.

"You know there are a lot of problems with this plan right?"

He didn't reply to my question, but only asked me a question back.

"So are you coming or not?"

My brain was blurry that I just said,


"Alright then! Then get some essentials and meet me and Verk over at the Grand Survivor."

"O- okay."

He then scattered off to I assume, his hideout. I then went to get a couple essentials like a blanket, some bread, ink, a writing utensil, and a notebook. I wrapped it all up in the blanket, and looked at my parents for the final time. We shared a room as it was just a place to hide, and I whispered to them, though they were asleep,

"I'll see you guys later.. I love you."

I then climbed out the window and made my way over to the oldest oak tree around. We called it the Grand survivor, as it had been through so much. Ever since we hybrids claimed this land around 400 years ago, so around the year 815, it had been here. Once I made my way over, Cozmo and Vercon were already there, ready to go.

"Alright, so are you finally ready Blaze?"

I responded with a nervous,


"In that case, let's start through the field. The wall to the forest is right there."

We then made our way to the field, and the moon was beautiful. It felt so peaceful there. I didn't want to leave it, but I still carried on. Vercon and Cozmo started picking up the pace, and I ended up right behind Cozmo.

It was kind of scary being out this late in the middle of a war, but we eventually got to the wall

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It was kind of scary being out this late in the middle of a war, but we eventually got to the wall. Vercon was just about to go over the side when we heard someone shout something from behind us.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going this late you little hybrids?"

Me and Cozmo panicked and looked behind us. Sure enough, there were about four humans right behind us. They had swords, rope, and one had a torch to see. I heard Cozmo whisper under his breath a Hybrodeic curse, which was,

"Aw, zait.."

Vercon panicked and fell over the wall, and I heard a thump on the ground, and then the stressed crunching of autumn leaves from running off. I ran behind a nearby tree before the torch light could reveal me. Cozmo was the only one left, and he started pleading,

"Please, please let me go! I don't want any harm to me and I don't want to hurt you!"

I couldn't hear what the man said back, but Cozmo then replied immediately,

"Sure! There's a couple of hiding places over that way,"

I assumed that he pointed to where he was talking about.

"with swarms of hybrids! You could get them!"

I was infuriated. He just told the humans where our neighbors, family, friends, almost our whole species were hiding out. The human then concluded,

"I guess you hybrids are smarter than you look. We'll leave you, and let you live. Don't tell any of your friends about this, you understand?"

"Yes! Yes, just please let me go.."

"Of course.. now run off before we change our minds."

I then looked around the bark of the tree to see what was going on. I had made the biggest mistake of my life. One of the humans in the back of the group yelled,

"There! Right behind that tree!"

Two more ran over and grabbed me from the front and the back, and I was trapped in a very bad situation. I screamed as I wasn't expecting this, and started squirming to get out of their grip. Cozmo looked horrified, but he did what they told him to do and ran off.

"What should we do with this one?"
I seriously feel bad for Blaze- THIS ISN'T EVEN THE BEGINNING
Anyways hope you're enjoying this so far!
Just a quick note and reminder- this story is connected to the first two Two Sided books- this is just a backstory so people get a better understanding of Gulvic and Ryzo

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