Our Little Boy - 2

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"Are you sure everything's fine, doctor?" I asked anxiously. She took her glasses off and rubbed them against her soft white coat. "Miss Meadows, I can assure you that everything is perfectly fine with your son, if not slightly abnormal. but certainly nothing to worry about."

I looked down at my little 5 month old son as lay on his stomach on a play mat in the doctors office. He was growing up way too fast for my liking. His eyes had turned into the exact same colour as Hunter's and he was the spitting image of him. JJ's teeth had started to grow. But not his front ones. His canines from the top and the bottom were starting to poke through. This, of course sent me panicking. I had no idea that babies could even do that.

JJ lifted up his head and gazed at me, gurgling softly as he crawled towards me. "Well, okay. If you say so." i sighed. I bent down and picked up JJ, his little body so warm in my arms. I grabbed his little jacket and put it on him. The way that he was looking at me reminded me too much of Hunter. I hadn't seen him for so long and it pained me. But it was like everyone decided to forget about him.

Dania never talked about him anymore like she used to and every time I ask my parents about him they just avoid the question too. It was too weird. I placed my son down into his car seat and covered him up with his little blue blanket. He was still staring intently at me.I didn't know how to explain to people that I thought my son was somehow...special.

How he had managed to grow his canines before his actual front teeth  and how he'd learnt to crawl at this age was probably going to be a mystery for life. Once I made sure he was warm enough to brave the wind outside, I turned to the doctor. "Thanks again." I said even though she'd done nothing that was of use to me.

I secured JJ into the backseat of my small car and got behind the wheel. "You, Jyson-Jay Tazer, are gonna to be one heck of a kid when you grow up, honey," I said to him. He only chuckled in response. "You know what? How about we take a walk in the park,hm? My treat."

I drove to the nearest park, got the carseat out and struggled slightly with trying not to drop JJ out of it and closing the car door. Suddenly, I lost my grip on the handle of the carseat and I gasped as it slipped out with my baby inside. It happened too quick for me to even scream or do anything about it. But instead of it hitting the ground and JJ getting hurt, it was stopped in mid air, inches away from the ground. I gasped and looked to see somone's hand having a strong grip on the handle of the seat.

"Whoopsie. Looks like mommy's a little distracted, huh?" the guy said lifting the seat into his arms and looking at JJ. He looked at me and smiled. He had one of the most dazzling smiles I'd ever seen, apart from Hunter's of course. This guy was a little darker than Hunter but was still rather handsome if i do say so myself.

He had his snapback back to front, meaning he couldn't be that much older than me. He had on a    black sleeveless coat and his white t-shirt was extremely tight fitting and showed off his muscles. Deffo my type of guy! He was sizzling hot!

"Oh my gosh! Thankyou, so much!" I gasped, checking to see if JJ was okay and kissing his cheeks. "Not a problem." the guy smiled. I looked at him. "But I didn't see you before, how did you catch JJ so quick?" I asked. He winked. "My Spidey senses are always tingling."

I gave a laugh and gently took the carseat away from him and set it down on the floor and unbuckled JJ and took him out, cuddling him. "I'm so sorry, honey. Mommy's sorry." I murmured into his hair. I turned back to the guy and smiled at him. "Thanks again."

He shrugged. "No problem. I'm Rocco Wyatt, by the way. But everyone just calls me Rocky." he said holding his hand out. "Rain Meadows, and this is Jyson-Jay. But everyone just calls him JJ." I said holding up my son. Rocky smiled and stroked JJ's cheek softly. "Hey, little fella. Saved you from taking a nasty trip to the doctors, didn't I?"

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