yol dul

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please ignore my wrong spelling and my bad grammar. I was sleepy while writing this and I may or may not focus on what I wrote ~~

Hyunjin pulled away from the kiss. He looks at Felix with curious and disgust face. "What the fuck you think you doing?", he ask Felix slowly. He looks angry but manage to hold it back. "Hyunjin", Felix cal for him with his low and dee voice. For some reason, Hyunjin blush a little and look away. "I have something to tell you. Better now or never", he looks at Hyunjin for a permission. Hyunjin looks back at him and nods a little.

"I like you. No! I love you", Hyunjin looks at Felix with an unreadable expression. "You know I like Taehyun right?", Felix just smile. He knows what he will get as an answer. "I know", he whisper and smile. He was in Spain right now but without the S. Hyunjin smile and pat Felix's shoulder. "Good", with that he walks out from the restroom.

"I- what did I do to deserve this Hyunjin?", he ask slowly without knowing someone is there listening to his words. "I've done everything for you. Didn't you see? How much I love you and care for you? I cherish you in every single way and still, I got rejected. I even do bad stuff for you. I even bully a boy because of you. Eventho I know you hate the boy because he is gay. But that's before you know you're old crush was in the school. And what did you do when you know he was in the same school? You fucking like him back. You told us you hate gay people but the truth is you just hate then because you didn't get the boy you want.", Felix chuckles softly and wipes his tears before turning back to go out from the restroom.

"You like me that much Felix?"

Back to Taegyu <3

They went back home after their tiring day at the carnival. Taehyun was at the balcony while thinking of the situation he was in, in the restroom. 'Felix likes Hyunjin' . He keeps repeating that sentence in his head. "Taehyun, Gyu is sleepy~", Beomgyu whines and look at Taehyun while trying to stay awake. Taehyun looks at him and smile warmly. "Hey, Gyu", Taehyun calls for the sleepy boy and sit next to him. Beomgyu replies him with a yes and a sleepy look on his face. "Can I ask you something?", Beomgyu just nod and slowly lean on Taehyun's shoulder. His hands slowly wrap around Taehyun's waist.

"What it feels like to love someone?", Beomgyu looks at Taehyun and he raises his eyebrows. "Taehyun doesn't love Beomgyu?", "No. It's not like that, Gyu. I just want to know what you feel about love", Taehyun says and caress Beomgyu's cheek.

"It's beautiful Taehyunnie. It makes me smile and feel happy, knowing that you are always there with me and always accept me for who I am. What about you?", Beomgyu ask while looking up from Taehyun's shoulder. Taehyun was caressing Beomgyu's back and look at the dark sky. "It was a thing that should be beautiful Gyu. It was a word that can make someone happy knowing the other feels that way towards them. It's so pure. It shows how you are supposed to be treated", Taehyun says and move his gaze to Beomgyu. He smile and peck Beomgyu's forehead.

"You are the first thing I think I should give loves to. I never felt loving someone like this before, but well thanks to you. Now I know what is the real meaning of the word love", Beomgyu giggles cutely and sit up straight. "Let's sleep Hyunnie~", Taehyun chuckles softly and stands up, putting his hands out for Beomgyu to hold it. "Let's go baby", and with that Beomgyu and Taehyun went to sleep.


short chapter, long explaination. I have class tomorrow and I need to woke up early because I was in my mid-sem holidays before for one week and I was enjoying staying up late so yeah :) I promise the next chapter would be long ehek <3

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