Chapter VIII

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I look over to Miss Venable and wait for a reaction from her. Just a simple nod would be enough but not one muscle in facial expression change. She looks like a statue, so stone cold, like time stand still.
»Who is there?« I yell loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear. No reaction, neither from the unknown person nor from Miss Venable. »Who the fuck is there?« I shout a bit louder with a bit of anger in my voice. Nothing can be heard. It seems like the person on the other side disappeared.

»Miss Venable?« Oh no. Its miss Mead. I can't even describe how much I hate her. I remember exactly when we first met. She was so cruel and mean. She placed her fucking and stinky boot on top of my head. Since the second she pressed my head down with her boot I hate her with every atom in my body.
»Miss Venable, should I unlock the door now?« She asks and jangle with a bundle of keys. I jump up, with causes Miss Venable to startle a bit, and run towards the big and heavy oak door. »Open the fucking door right now« I yell and hammer with my fists against the door. The wonderful detailed ornament leave red marks on my clenched fists. My knuckles turn white and the door doesn't move a millimeter.
»Not now miss Mead. I'm not finished with her« Miss Venable speaks up. Her voice is so dominant, so strong.

»What do you mean? You're not finished with me?« I walk fast towards Miss Venable again. My footsteps echo through the room which makes me seem dangerous. My eyes narrow at her and I stare her directly in her eyes.

»You did this on purpose?! You sadistic bitch« I shout at her with fear and anger written in my eyes. What else is she capable of?

I was so filled with anger that I was close to grab her by her throat and choke her to death. Oh how much I would like to kill her right now. But on the other side I would be lost without her. Shes the leader of this outpost and even if shes the most sadistic person left on earth she makes and incredible good job. Her leadership is the only reason why we are still alive. We all would have died without her and we all should be thankful for her appearance. But tell me, how should I be thankful when she keep me locked in this room against my will. Stupid bitch.

I stare her in her eyes, her expression blank, I clench my jaw and walk away. There is nowhere I could go. I can't escape the library and I can't escape her. I sit down in a dark and small corner behind a shelf. Its the furthest place away from Miss Venable and I'm still so close to her. I let myself slide down to the ground. I lean with my back against the shelf and notice that I'm still holding the poem book in my hands. I would like to trow it against her head now but I know I would make everything worse.
Additionally I have to find out what is hiding on the last page of the book. I look around and search for someone who could possible watch me. Ugh. Only Miss Venable is here, but thankfully shes distracted by her own mind.

Just as I wanted to open the last page where the mysterious thing rests she speaks up and remind me of the fact I already know. »You cant escape me (y/n)« She scares me to death as she breaks the calm silence. The anger washes over me and I grab a random book from the shelf and throw it across the room, against the wall behind Miss Venable. I failed her a few centimeters. She get up from her armchair and smashes her cane against the floor with every step she takes. She bends down and picks up the book. As she picks it up I get an amazing view of her butt but I don't dare to give her a claps. She examine the book title and walks slowly towards me. The sound of her cane echo trough the room and it sends awful shivers down my spine. I'm so afraid of her or her intentions that my legs start to tremble and my hands sweat uncontrollably. I gulp visible as she stops in front of me only a few inches away from my face. »Do you love me so much that you have to throw a book about love at me?« she chuckles sarcastically and show me the title of the book. „Price of salt" fuck you universe and fuck you fate. Why does it have to be this book? I love this book but I hate her.

Miss Venable support herself at the shelf as puts the book back into its originally place. She is so close that she could kiss me with her rosy plumb lips. She never breaks eye contact as she puts the book back in its place. It slips perfectly in, like magic.

Before she removes herself from the current position she rises her eyebrows for a glimpse. What the actual fuck does that mean? What does she want from me? To act like her pet and obey everything she says? I'm definitely not going to do that.

She finally leaves me alone and I take the opportunity to find out what secrets that poem book is hiding. The library is very dark due to the lack of electricity. The candles are spending light but it doesn't reach every centimeter of the room. The corner I'm sitting in is one of the darkest ones so I use my fingers to the slight bulge. The thin pages are cutting the skin on my fingertip and makes it slightly bleed. I open the book and look at a folded, almost brown paper. I take it out of this kind of envelope and unfold it. Thin lines are drawn on it. Horizontal and vertical ones. Curves and doted lines. I slide my finger over the lines and try to memorize every single one of them. I find new ones and a bit thicker ones. They seem like a border. Small letters are creating words on top of some lines. In summary I am holding a map.

A map of outpost three.

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