Never Say Never Chapter 4

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Justin's p.o.v

I woke up to music blasting across the hall it wasn't that good of music if you ask me. I got up and got my shit together and made my way to the lobby for a the hell of a couple months with them.

Brea's p.o.v

I got up around 6am for god knows why. But yet i knoew Justin had to get up in an hour so i gave him a wake up call. My style. Blast the music so i could get in the zone. I got my crap together and made my way down to the Hummer. I got there and was the only one, so i made my area all nice and cozy for the 5 hour ride to the air port. Just as i put my headphones in i saw Mr. Bieber himself.

Brea: Someones up and out here pretty early

Justin: Kinda what happens when someone likes to blast music at 6am.

Brea: I don't know what your talking about.

Justin: Yeah i'm sure you dont..

Justs as i drifted asleep, our mothers walked out.

Patty: Well someone looks awfully cozy. Justin get in there for a picture.

Justin: Mom she's sleeping though.

Dani: She won't notice, now get in there.

Justin: Fine.

Justin's p.o.v

I got over there for the stupid picture. And then they shut the door and whent ot the other Hummer. I tried to get up but i was stuck because she wrapped her arms about my waist. I mean i could hav gotten up but she looked so cute laying there. So i didn't move, and enjoyed this while she slept because this won't last long.

Brea's p.o.v

I woke up and saw Justin Sleeping with my arms around his wasit. I tried to move but yet i was stuck and couldn't move.  He looked so cute laying there asleep. I didn't want to lose this moment, but yet he can't know i like him cause he's a jerk and doesn't deserve it. I get your the super famous teen heart throb, but why do you need to act like a total ass about it also. Some times i don't understand people who do that. WE eventually made our way to the airport and we got all our stuff and made our way to the plane. I'm scared of plaanes, so i just didn't get on. No one could chang my mind about it either.

Dani's p.o.v

I noticed once we reached the gates Brea stopped. I knew why too which is why i motioned Patty to stop. She whispered something to Justin and he made his way over to her. He was whispering something to her but i couldn't hear what he was saying. That's when Patty motined me to keep moving.

Justin's p.o.v

Everyone stopped to look at Brea who looked scared for ehr life. My mom reached over and told me something.

Patty: Why dont you go tell her that there's nothing to worry about. And that she will be fine and safe.

So i headed over there and looked at her. She looked terrified.

Justin: Hey, there's nothing to be scared of. It's just a plane, i know it's scary at first but as it gets going you kinda forget your floating in there air. Come on.

I started to walk away but yet she wouldn't budge.

Justin: Look if your that scared, then take my hand and we will slowly make our way on the plane and take off. I promise i won't let anything happen to you, i promise.

WIth that she hesititated at first then look my hand slowly. Her grip tightened as the plane took off, but eventually she calmed down and saddly she let go.

Brea: Did you really  mean all that Justin?

Jusitn: Hahaha no. Why you didn't think i liked you or something did ya?

Brea:, just making sure cause i don't believe your crap.

She doesn't like me, what was i thinking holding her hand, and being nice to her.

Brea's p.o.v

Wow and to think i was thinking he was a nice guy. Boy was i wrong. He seemed so perfect in the car, and right before we got on the plane...I guess that's just how he is.

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