Chapter 22

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Justin: She said it was over...and what if she really ment it.. I love Brea, and everything about her. Her eyes. Her cute little smile, that laugh that makes you laugh even harder. The way she's so caring and helpful. Always worring, ha, i can't just not have her...

Patty: I know sweety, and i can't believe Selena would try any of that, Do you even know what she sent her?

Justin: No, I wanna know, and i'll find out...

Patty: Why don't you see if you can talk to her, like take her for a walk or something. Or maybe just let it go..

Justin: Are you saying you just want me to get rid of her? Leave us over??

Patty: Just for a little bit. See other people and if you're ment to be then something will bring you guys back.

Justin: Okay...I'll try.

Patty: Okay lets go to the airport to pick Dani and Brea up.

We got to the airport and got our luggage, and saw a sign for us...I couldn't face justin. I let my mom go with them, but i had my own friend coming. Then i saw Liza. Remember the girl i met at that ice cream place? Yeah i told her everything on the way back here. She is really nice, and yeah.. I saw her and gave a huge hug! I missed her so much. I never really had many friends back home.

Liza: Oh my god it's been way to long!!!

Me: i know!!! i Missed you!

Liza: Same! lol okay lets get you home to your new house and then we'll go to my dads and chill with him and ppl. sound fun?

Me: yes..

Liza: plus my bf and his cuteeee firend will be there. Your single now, I know we said that we'd go slow on moving on...but guy friends are always good? lol

Me: Lol yes, yes they are.

Liza's p.o.v

We got to my Lambo, and started to drive away. Okay so it's my dads, but i'm still the only one to actually drive one of the 12 cars lol. We got suck in LA were rockin out to Mac Miller, and Wiz. Cause we love TGOD. But i looked over to see Justin, and some other guy. I just kept staring. Okay I don't like justin. Not because they broke up. I just like good music lol..

*with Justin*

I decided not to go to the airport with my mom. Instead i called up my friend Caitlin and we decided to chill. We were going to her house for a little bit. Ya know catch up. lol...great LA traffic i hate it!. I saw bunches of scream girls out there windows blastin my music..ha. Then i was talkin to caitlin and she said that that Lambo infront of us was nice, so we kept moving and i got infront of it...well pretty much cutting them off. Damn rich guys. Like get a car you can drive.

I kept looking through the mirror to see if they flicked me off, when i saw Brea in the passenger seat, with some girl. She looked so happy. She must of moved on...I guess i have to too...

We got to her house and were sitting on the porch, and i told her i had a good night and we started to kiss..

*with Brea and Liza*

Ahhs he CUT ME OFF!!!! now we have to take the long way home...But we didn't care. We picked up my boyfriend and her friend and were having so much fun. Jay and Brea really have a lot in common. We got to my dad's house, (jonny depp) and i saw brea tear up, i was so confused and Really REALLY WHAT A FREAKING JERK HE IS KISSING SOME GIRL ALREADY!!!!????!!!!!?!?!!!?!!?!

Jay and my bf went with brea in the house. Whoa was this guy getting a talking to...

Liza: OH MY GOD!!!

Justin: lol..

Caitlin: are you a fan of him?


Justin: look she dumped me.

Liza: still doesn't give you a right to kiss just anyone, not even 24 hours later.

Caitlin: No one said you had to watch.

Liza:whatever, she doesn't deserve the pain she just saw. Please don't talk to my friend again. Or see her. K thanks.

Sooooooo....Kinda different. Comment and tell your thoughts. live, laugh,love. :)

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