Chapter 4 - Vagrant Town

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John has been staying in Vagrant Town for over two days and he had walked around the whole town.

Vagrant Town is a town with a population of two thousand people, men, women, and children included. It was a town with roads made of stones broken from mountains outside the town. All around Vagrant Town, all the houses were cottages.

The weird thing was that Vagrant Town had a clear divide, it was like the divide was preventing something from going through the other side. Anytime John passed through it, he always felt like something was scanning his body before he is allowed to enter.

He had seen countless scenes of some residents trying to enter who were directly flung thirty meters away!!
When John asked Uncle Wang, Uncle Wang told him that he was the one that divided the town, the other side of the town housed the normal people, as the residents in the other half that John resided in were all either warriors or mages who were running away from something or were even heinous criminals who killed when they felt like it so he did it to protect the normal residents.
The barrier searches for bloodlust or killing intent or malicious intent, if it is found out that you have any malicious intent, you can't enter the other side of the town.
But the normal residents could come out of their half of the town anytime apart from the night, as they may be caught and killed or tortured by the criminals on the other side of town, such cases had happened countless times in the past until Uncle Wang decided to impose a curfew for the normal people where they couldn't pass through the barrier in the night.

The only time the seal could be fully opened was during the Quarterly Fair where every resident will be present in the city square for trade and entertainment purposes.

After all that, Uncle Wang pointed at some residents walking on the road,


"See that woman there?", Uncle Wang asked John, pointing at a short, fat woman with an ugly face and a long scar that cut diagonally across the left side of her face to the right side of her face, when John looked at her, he shuddered in disgust.

"Yes, I see her", said John. When Uncle Wang saw John shuddering, he smiled and continued,
"That's Aquino June, she was a murderer that loved killing people in seats of power for the stimulation she got from it, not that I can blame her and she hates it when people look at her in disgust".

When John heard the last part, he looked at the woman again and saw that she was glaring at him, John immediately prostrated on the floor apologizing while Uncle Wang looked on, When Uncle Wang found out that John was still apologizing and June was being unforgiving, he glared at her and lifted John up. When June saw that, she nodded at Uncle Wang and walked away.
"Why are you apologizing, in this town, there's no one you absolutely can't offend", Uncle Wang said to John, John looked at him in admiration of his strength.

'Since, most of the people here are either powerful criminals and fugitives, since Uncle Wang could suppress them, he should be very strong, thought John, then he remembered one thing, then he glared at Uncle Wang

"Since, you're this powerful in this town, where were you when I was being bullied, hmm?".

As John said this, Uncle Wang's expression instantly changed, though John couldn't see his expression, and he started scratching his head and looked around as if he was looking for someone to come save him from his predicament as he was doing all this John was still looking at him, waiting for an answer.

Then he saw another resident of the town, then he also pointed to that person, it was a very beautiful and seductive woman with long legs, golden hair and golden eyes.

"That's Elena Avalone, she's a Demigod of the Temple of Perpetua, The Goddess of Time. She has a bounty placed on her head from the Temple of Perpetua. She's been chased around the world until she came to this town by mistake and since then, she had been staying in Vagrant Town".

John was awed, though he didn't know anything about the Temple of Perpetua, since they had the power to pursue a person around the world, they must be a big name in Academia. John was also surprised by Elena as she was pursued around the world and wasn't caught.

John was also surprised by the word Demigod, this was the second time he was hearing this word. John shelved this word and thought to himself that he'll ask Uncle Wang about it later.

"What did she do?", asked John.

"She stole a very important godly weapon of the Temple of Perpetua and ran away from the Temple with it".

So Badass, thought John.

That day, Uncle John Wang mentioned to John some other people in the town who were either fugitives or criminals outside, and John put them all to mind for fear of offending them and Uncle Wang said that the residents from that night were all criminals who committed small crimes outside and they heard of a town that sheltered criminals and fugitives, so they came here and also told him, that he should not mind them, that as far as he was still in this town, no one could hurt him.



There was one thing that John found out about Vagrant Town, the residents inside the town could see directly outside the town but creatures outside the town couldn't see anything as if there was nothing in front of them, it was as if they were not in front of a town full of delicious meaty human beings.
John asked Uncle Wang why it was so, he said he created an illusion, creatures who were not residents of the town couldn't catch a glimpse of the town, not to speak of even entering the town.

Anytime beasts come to the front of the town, the townsmen bring out chairs and tables and sit directly at the entrance of the town and start a betting pool about if the beast would be able to see them or enter the town. It had become a daily form of entertainment to the townsmen.

They don't even fear that if the beast or beasts find a way to enter the town, it would kill all of them.

Who would be scared of common beasts when you live in the same town with a bunch of badass mages and warriors who will even sometimes go out to kill the beasts and even bring them inside the town for meat?

Pretty much no one.

All in all, to the regular townsmen of Vagrant Town, beasts were just large bunches of meat given life walking all around their lawn.

Even though John was no longer an imbecile, the townspeople still didn't like him, they were still very disdainful of him. They still didn't like him. He didn't have any friends, the only people in the town that talked to him were still Uncle Wang and Eleanor as always.

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