A Wish

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a girl in a hospital bed sits there holding a doll in her room was lots of toys anything a little girl could want but the girl was unhappy she holds a doll as she look at the night sky outside her window Sighing she wished she had a friend. Any kind of friend. Someone to give her smiles instead of pitiful looks. Someone to hold her hand and play hide and seek with her. Or pretend. She loved that game. the girl turn on the light over her to make what she called her only friend her shadow "hello" the girl said and wave at it and it being a shadow just copy her movements Looking out                                                  the window she saw a shooting star. Remembering that one myth she excitedly closed her eyes. Please make me a friend!! the girl close her eyes and wish with all her heart but when she open them she saw no one but her shadow "i guess stars dint make wishes come true but at least i have you reve" she called her shadow then a nurse with a needle in her hand "lily time for bed" In her dream a little boy with auburn hair sat down next to a tree. Smiling he said,'' Hey friend! Let's play a game!''. He patted the ground besides him in a happy manner. Of course with all the innocence in her heart she didn't second guess anything. Sitting down they started a game of guess the what the cloud looks like the girl was so happy she had a friend "your my best friend reve" the girl said hugging the boy Reve giggled,'' S-so that's my name? I like it!''. He stood up and pointed to her braces that covered her legs. " In here you don't those~'' just as he said that they vanished revealing that she really COULD stand on her own. Something that she was never able to do.  the girl gasps '' I can walk on my own i haven't walk sense i was five reve this is great" the girl said as she twirl around Reve nodded,'' Yeah. Thank you though, you're the one who made me. With out you I wouldn't exist! Or been able to make this dreamworld,''. Standing up he slowly danced with Lilly as the dreams went on. lily smile and said "i'm lily but I'm guessing you may already know that" lily smiled at reve.Reve shook his head,'' Just now. Before I called you friend.". His head tilted,'' Umm hey Lilly can you make me a promise though?''. He looked serious. His auburn hair ragged and covering his eyes,'' Don't forget me Lilly. Please never forget me,''.  "i'll never forget you your my first true friend so were friends for life reve" lily said then hug reve and smiles at him The dream broke as the nurse gently shook Lilly awake,'' Honey time to wake up,''. "reve? were reve?" lily ask confuse were her new friend is and then she notice it her shadow is gone and thinks how weird it is as the nurse gives her her breakfast and pills " Reve? Oh? Is that your imaginary friend?'' the nurse giggled as she walked out. Looking around she tried looking for Reve. Gently getting out of bed she walked around her room. lily legs couldn't support her and she fell in her stuff animals pile and begin to cry "reve were are you? please come out...please"lily cried loudly which brought back the nurse "lily your not supost to be out of bed" the nurse scold lily before helping lily back to bed Slowly her shadow began to take a different shape.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            " Lilllllllyyy sllllllleeeeeeeppppppp,'' it sounded like Reve. But as soon as she heard it , it vanished "reve? is that you? or is my illness acting up again" lily sighs before she start drawing after a while of drawing she begin feeling sleepy "nap time" lily said holding the color book close the picture of her and reve Reve leaned against the tree,'' Huh took you long enough silly,''. He smiles and giggled. "were did you go? you disappear from me don't leave me again reve i hate being alone" lily said with tears rolling down her face not noticing she brought her coloring book with her
                              Reve patted her head,'' I'm sorry but, it's hard for me to go into your world. I can barely access it through your shadow. You saw how hard I was trying. But, I will try again..." he smiled brightly "i just don't wanna be alone again its very scary" lily said continued to cry Reve sighed,'' I will try my hardest I swear! Just it might take a lot out of me,''. He looked sad but, as soon as she was about to bring it up he waved it off. No big deal. "what if i leave something here so we can talk to each other maybe like a mirror" lily ask Blinking Reve thought about it. " Well that could work,''.
                         Lily took out a small pocket mirror from her pocket and gives it to reve Reve carefully took it," A-are you sure?". lily nods "yes so we can be together even if I'm awake" lily said then smile Reve smiled," Just in time too,''. He waved to her as she slowly woke up into reality lily woke up to her nurse saying her family here to see her Her little brother ran up to her,'' Sissy when are you coming home?". lily smiled softly and pet his head "soon i hope" lily said as the doctor talk about lily how she getting worst how the illness is eating her brain The little boy nodded. lily smile "I made a new friend his name is reve he a nice boy around my age" '' Huh?" the mother asked. " But honey there are no other children in this hospital. "he lives in the dream world i can prove it." lily said getting a mirror and said "say hi reve" but her dad sigh thinking his daughter cant tell what real anymore IN the back round of the mirror Reve waved. The little boy jumped and started to cry.  mother hold her son ask she take him home to help calm him down and the father and doctor talk about how lately it been harder to wake up lily that she may die soon "I'm dying?" lily ask herself

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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