Part 31: The Painting

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A/N: This is officially my longest book. That's exciting. I think I might start focusing on this book more so I can get to the exciting stuff.

"That's a messed up joke

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"That's a messed up joke." Rosa said as she stood in front of Matt and Jeremy. Her arms crossed over her chest. "Now, get out of my house, Matt."

He stood forward, but stopped when Rosa raised her eyebrows. "I'm not lying. Jeremy can't be near you. That's why Elena left the other day and why she asked me to stay with him. can't be here either."

Rosa looked at Matt angrily and then turned to Jeremy. "I'm sorry, Rosie." She frowned.

"Where am I supposed to go?" Matt shrugged which made Rosa roll her eyes. "I'm not asking you."

"Maybe you can go to Caroline's or something." Rosa nodded.

"Okay. Love you."

Jeremy tried to smile, "Love you."

Rosa called Caroline, but frowned when there was no answer. She couldn't talk to Stefan right now, not when she was still mad at him and she assumed that's where Caroline would be.

She sighed, sitting on her porch. If Jeremy really did want to kill her she really needed to get out of their. She looked down at her phone and debated fir a moment before pressing on Klaus's contact.

It barely had a chance to ring when he answered, "Hello."

"Hey, Klaus. I was wondering if I could ask a small little favor."

Klaus smiled slightly, "Whatever you need."

"A place to stay." She mumbled quietly. Klaus was thankful that she would never see the grin to took shape on his face. "It's just that, theirs this thing happening with Jeremy where he wants to kill me and Elena went to the Salvatores, but I don't really like either of them at the moment and Caroline's not answering her phone cause she's with Stefan and I can't call him cause I'm mad at him. So, I called you."

"Do you need help with your things?" Rosa smiled slightly, looking down at the ground.

She sighed, "No...thank you, though."

Rosa hung up the phone and looked around to make sure no one was watching her. Watching her make a fool of herself, blushing like crazy because of Klaus Mikaelson.

She stepped up to the door and took a deep breath before knocking. The door quickly opened, Klaus standing in the doorway.

He looked at her and frowned, "Where's your stuff?"

"Right here." She answered holding up and large stuffed duffel bag. "Oh, I'm sorry. Do I not own enough clothes for you?"

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