Chapter ოთხი

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"Erm I-" Kai studdered trying to figure out a lie. "I'm psychic!" Kai said because that's the only lie a could think of because I am writing this in the middle of the night and I am tired.

(POV it's been nearly 10 days since u wrote that one paragraph and u just now remembered u still need to update)

Anyways Kai lied terribly and SlendyManny easily caught on. And as much as I want to say smth dumb for him he is supposed to b serious so he's gon be serious.

You are aware that I can read minds right? I am aware that is a lie.

Ah fuck even the author didn't count on that one. Kai was clearly freaking out. Although to be fair he was currently facing a known murdered which I g u e s s is a reasonable explanation to be afraid but like man this is a fanfic ur not supposed to be afraid of the main love interest.

Suddenly, slenderman looked very confused despite lacking a face and suddenly (bro stop using suddenly) Kai remembered that he was the author of this fanfic and technically this entire book was his thoughts from the beginning.

Because of this Kai was feeling immense embarrassment due to the fact that slendy has heard exactly what I've been typing since the beginning. Including the part from Chapter Duo where he mentioned that he read a lot of creepypasta fanfic.

Yeaaah that's embarrassing. I mean imagine admitting to someone that you read fanfic about them nearly every day when you were 12? Hell I'm not even gonna get into the fanfic I've written- oh wait-

Uh anyways we need to finish this up so anyways slendy was I guess like

That could be a pretty useful power to have.. would you ever consider being a cp?

"Ah damn man i'd love to but you see I've already got a job as Magical Boy Pretty Cure Kitty Heart™.." Kai said.

Afterwards thinboy decided to let Kai and his friends go bc there was no way he could compete with the power of Magical Boy Pretty Cure Kitty Heart™. So he led Kai to the front door where Georgia, Adora, Kathy, Writeon, Ashe.. yknow I think you get the point everyone was waiting there. Surprisingly Jeff and Ben were also there. Ben was currently crying and begging Georgia to stay like the pussy he was and Jeff was.. arm and arm with Adora??? Wild. Anyways Georgia was clearly not having it so she decided to preform the fifth season by oh my girl choreography and all.

Then the author got lazy and just wanted to finish this damn book so he could move on to the next one so ig everyone got black out drunk so no one remembered what happened and they all woke up safe and sound in their own beds with no cp to bother them... well at least most of them.

You're tall, I'm short - Slenderman x Kai [CRACKSHIP]Where stories live. Discover now