Chapter 4

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3rd POV

Xie lian and San lang leave the children there and go to Yummeng seurch for wei ying is uncle. They came to Yummeng and asked the people about bell. People tell them about jiang clan that wear this type of bell and show them the way there.

They are now standing outside the clan gate. The gard saw them and ask them "why did they are came here for?" They answer him that "they are came here to meet there clan leader."
He lead them the way where there clan leader might be.

"San lang, Yummeng is really beautiful." Xie lian said looking around.

"Yes, but not beautiful as Gege." San lang looking at him.

"San lang, but it's okay to meet him?" He was nervous thinking a ying fate.

"It's ok,gege we are here only to know about them." San lang wishper to him and comfort him.

"Yes, san lang your right," Xie lian smile at him.

'Hope it's was right,' they thought.

As they came to office/hall. They hear loud angry voice saying to other person. From voice it's like female voice.

"You looking for that boy Fengmian," female voice said.

"My lady, you know he has no other relatives to look after him," man voice came.

"You still love that woman don't you. That's why you looking for her son," this time woman more angry.

"My lady that not it," man was trying to clam her down.

"You have your own son and daughter why don't you look at them," she said back.

"My lady, you know I love my children," man is voice was clam but little frustrated.

"You love them hum ," woman was more angry.

There knock on the door so the man and woman become quite. The room was silence.

"Clan leader there people want to meet you," the gard said.

"Please ask them wait for a moment," man say to gard.

"Ok, clan leader," gard said.

But when he trun to look for two people they are not there.

"Clan leader, they are gone back," he report.

"It's okay, you can go," the clan leader said back.

"Ok, clan leader," the gard say and go to do his duty. But he was confused about where the those two people go.

On other side

After Xie lian and san lang say they going to Yummeng. They asked children to take care of each other and they will come back soon. Hui aibao say she take care of wei ying and herself so no need to be worried. They can go Yummeng leaving children alone to the house.

After they gone children play for little while. She takes a ying to bed said to meditation. But wei ying was can't sit there or do meditation.

"Hui jie/sister why do we have to do this," he open his eyes and look to her. He started to call her sister/Jie.

"If we do this we will have power like this," she open her right hand and there was tiny little golden light.

"Wow, a Jie I also can this type power, " wei ying say looking happily.

"Yes, a ying will also have this power," the light faded away and she close her hand.

"Ok, a ying will do like a jie," he mimicked her.

He do meditation and she also helps him. When xie lian and san lang came they saw this seen. San lang and Xie lian heard the argument they already came back here but outside the house.

Wei ying doing meditation so they sat on table and talked in low volume.

"You right a aibao, when we got there they are arguing about a ying," san lang said. Xie lian was nod his head.

"If is you guys can take him," she say happily.

"If a ying don't mind," Xie lian say with smile on his face.

"Yeah, a ying going to have parents," she was happy for him.

Wei ying can construction so when she say in loud voice he open his eyes. He looks at them as asking "why she is happy."

"A ying jie has good news for you. Do do want to know?" She asking him.

"Yes, Jie tell me," he also wants to know.

"That this two handsome Gege going to be a ying is parents," she look at him with happy smile.

"Yes, a ying also happy," he also star jumping with her.

"A ying, a aibao come here," Xie lian called them.

They both came and stand in front of Xie lian. He place his hands on there heads and cares there hair.

"I know you both are happy but I want to ask aibao will be our daughter?" Xie lian asked her.

First she was shocked but she started to cry with happy tears. After her parents death there was someone wants to be with her and love her like her parents do. Xie lian and san lang was panic because she cry. Not knowing what to do they hug her and comfort her.

"It's okay if you don't want to be ...." Xie lian about said but he cut off.

"No, it's not that. I am happy because after my parents death there was someone want to love and take care of me," she looks at them crying with happy smile on face.

"You don't have to be thinks that. We will love you always okay," Xie lian say wyping her tears.

"Can I call you mom and dad,"she asked to guide Wei ying.

"Yes, you can,"san lang said.

"Thank you dad," she first look at san lang and hug Xie lian,"thank you mom."

"Thank you dad and mom," wei ying also copy her and hug him.

Xie lian was shocked at first but after soon became happy. He also hug them. San lang was also happy to have a family with his Gege. San lang also hug them all.

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