☆Under The Stars☆

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"Would I be a fool to say that I'm in love with you?" he whispers, letting his voice finally slip past his lips. Hands reaching for them before he can stop himself, feeling himself wanting to sin in a way he has never felt.

"Then I believe that would make me a fool as well, for loving you too."




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He stares in awe at the sight before him. A city of lights seems only a few feet away, yet, he knew it was many miles. He no longer feels the weight of stress riding on his shoulders, feeling himself relax into the night. Leaves swaying in the almost unnoticed breeze, crashing against each other filling the night with little noise.

"I wasn't sure I would find you here" a soft voice lures his attention away from the city to look behind him. Yet he sees nothing until he looks to his left, there a human he has grown fond of stands.

"You seem to have a strand of luck finding me" the Angel whispers, his hands resting on the bridge in front of him, he can feel the cooling metal of the railing through his gloves. He watches them smile taking the place next to him. Still keeping a distance from him.

"You tend to stand out, day or night, Simeon" chuckling in response, he looks at them from the corner of his eye. His heart picks up its pace as it beats quicker and quicker. A pace that he is unable to stop at this moment. Or any moment he is with them.

"Is that a compliment? If so I gladly will take it as it is coming from you" he says looking back at the city and the water below him. Even then he sees their reflection in the dark water. With the many stars and the moon crashing against it, he is able to see everything this night.

Simeon and (Y/N) had met only a few months back, becoming close as they both had a lot in common which was hard for him to believe at first. The Devildom had been a bonding moment for him with everyone he wished to speak to, along with them.

Finding himself in a trance whenever he steals glances at them, even if it's in class, or just when he sees them walking far away from him. He hadn't been too sure when these feelings of affection grew for them, but he wanted nothing more than to be with them. He wanted them to thrive by his side.

"Simeon, why are you in the human world? You rarely visit as you and Luke have been needed by Michael more so than before," they ask, once more causing the angel to look their way, he smiles softly letting his hand rest under his chin.

"Truth be told I was stressed and needed a break from everything." he sighs, leaning down against the railing more so than before, it is no longer as cold as he remembers but he can still feel it burning through his clothing. "I am not so sure why this time is any different than the others." he chuckles out, his voice once again fading out as if he never spoke. Feeling calmer than before.

"Are you feeling better?" they ask, concern still present in their voice. Making his heart stop for a second. Everything with them felt so right and he still hadn't known why he was feeling this way. Of course, he had seen them as perfect in his eyes.

"I suppose there is something still bothering me." the angel mutters shyly, soon a small hum leaves him as he looks back at the human. They stare back at him kindly, it's enough to make his heart feel like it'll explode. A blush coming to his cheeks still trying to maintain eye contact. "I'm beginning to feel a little foolish about this now" his right-hand rests on the back of his neck.

"Nothing you ever think is foolish, if anything you are the smartest being I know," they say. He feels his face heat up even more than it had before. He feels embarrassment bite at him as he looks down once more at the water. He sees the stars in the water this time they seem brighter, maybe he just hadn't noticed before. How beautiful everything really was.

"Might I tell you my thought?" he whispers leaning ever closer to them, he soon can feel their warmth radiating off of them from this distance.

"Of course" the human mutters once more, this time looking at the angel with nearly excited eyes that had some emotions suppressed.

"Would I be a fool to say that I'm in love with you?" he whispers, letting his voice finally slip past his lips. Hands reaching for them before he can stop himself, feeling himself wanting to sin in a way he has never felt.

"Then I believe that would make me a fool as well, for loving you too." even in the lit-up darkness he can see something flash in their eyes. His heart skips a beat as he feels their hand make contact with his. Intertwining both of their fingers, sharing the warmth between them.

"You mean such a thing?" he whispers leaning closer to them, his forehead resting on theirs, he feels himself smile as he looks deeply into their eyes.

"You make me sound like a liar, simeon" they chuckle moving closer to the angel, letting their lips hover just over his.

"I hadn't meant to make it that way, I hope you'll come to forgive me" with the final words leaving his lips, he feels them crash against him. It was something he didn't know how much he had wanted until this moment.

It's a wonderful thing what can happen under the stars as they shine brightly down. He found himself thinking, he was grateful for the little moments that lead to this. 

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