Introductions and Curiosity

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     It was a cold day in snowdin, though that was to be expected when it's constantly snowing. Today was different though. It was much colder than before, and the usually white snow was now a deep shade of red.

     The so-called 'Bad Sanses' ruined the AU. This, sadly, was also normal. Why they did this was never truly understood, but the Star Sanses knew it needed to be stopped. They can't just let innocent people die.

     Dream was the guardian of positivity, and a valued member of the Stars. This guardian, however, was defeated by his twin. The AU he tried so desperately to protect was now in ruins.

     Nightmare, as the guardian of negativity, took sick pleasure from watching others suffer. His group was known as the Bad Sanses, and he was the leader. This group terrorized innocent monsters, as well as destroyed their homes. What Nightmare didn't know, however, was he may soon be the one at the mercy of another.


     Swapdream was certainly an interesting AU. This Dream, also known as Swad, tried to eliminate all negativity. This, of course, backfired on him. Causing more negativity than there was before, but in the form of grief.

     Swad tried to kill everything that let off negativity. This was only stopped when his brother, SD!Nightmare, finally had enough. The infuriated Swapdream guardian, in an attempt to get rid of the crazed skeleton, knocked his brother through a portal to an unknown world. This would be the last they ever saw of each other.


     Dream stood up and dusted himself off, still exhausted from battle. Ink, the guardian of the AUs, had been taken. Dream had no time to waste. Who knows what Nightmare and his gang may do to his friend?

     After collecting his thoughts, the guardian felt something new. It was positivity, and a lot of it.  "What is that?"  Curiosity got the better of him this time, and he went to see what it was. Despite the heavy snowfall, Dream could see a golden-orange glow against the snow.

     At first the positivity seemed overwhelming, but after some time he got used to it. Suddenly, whatever- no- whoever was emitting all this positivity, sat up and looked around.  "Oh! You're awake!"  The guardian was surprised to say the least.

     The new skeleton stood up, and brushed the snow off his body.  "Where am i? Who are you? Why do you look so much like- nevermind-"  This new skeleton was much taller than anyone Dream had ever seen, though it was obvious he wasn't from around here.  "You're in snowdin sir. This used to be a Fell universe"  Dream spoke quietly, ashamed that he couldn't protect this world.

     Dream held out his hand to the taller skeleton, shaking from the cold.  "My name is Dream. What's your name?"  The guardian seemed a little nervous to ask, but the taller skeleton shook his hand.  "My name is also Dream, but you can call me Swad. Just so our names don't get confused."  Swad answered with a smile, though he seemed distracted.

     After a moment of silence the smaller of the two spoke up.  "It's nice to meet you Swad, but is something wrong?"  Swad shook his head as if to snap back into reality. He shook some extra snow off his wings before responding.  "It's just really cold. I'm not a big fan of the cold."  He readjusted his jacket as he closed up his wings. Dream stood in silence thinking for a moment. Should he trust this stanger?

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