Goal Achieved

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Suddenly there was popping as people set off paper canons. This caused Y/N to jump and turn to look at everyone. They cheered even louder and clapped as the confetti fell ontop of everyone getting in their hair. Y/N let out a loud laugh and doubled over slightly.

"Who gave you all confetti canons?!"
"That was me."

Soon everyone started heading home after the exhausting night and the group of streamers cleaned things up along with parents. It soon looked like it was never used for the dance and they headed home. On the ride there the crew was watching videos from the event that many people took and Y/N found the one of him dancing with his friends. He would laugh when he got spun because his jacket would flair out and make it look like a skirt. He reuploaded some of the videos and pictures to the accounts with credit to the owners. He made a smaller go find me for equipment in the new school and immediately shared it to social media.

*years later*

A young man stepped off the plane and collected his luggage. A toddler and teen followed with amazed faces. He had a bright smile as he called a taxi to pick them up. He got in and the kids followed him. He told the driver the address and they were off. Not ling after they pulled up to a two story house and the young man knocked on the door. An older woman opened the door and smiled. She welcomed the three in and showed them where they were going to stay. The man made his way up to the second floor and climbed to the attic. He left his suitcase at the top of the stair case as he opened a door. In the room was an old set up that was left for years untouched. He walked to the other end of the room and wiped off a computer screen before booting it up and logging in. He opened an old discord and saw familiar names pop up as online. His cursor hovered over a button as two set of feet made their way up the stairs calling out for their dad.

"I'm in here!"
"There you are Papi!"
"What are you doing Papi?"
"Do you want to meet some people?"

They nodded and he smiled, pressing the button. The people received the call and not long after everyone joined the call. Some were talking to their chat while others were trying to figure out why they were woken up.

"Hi guys, I'm back."

They all exclaimed as they saw Y/N on the other side of the camera. Beside home were his daughters, Samantha and Jason. Jason hid behind her older sister while the other smiled and waved. The streamers greeted them and Y/N took a seat in his old chair. It creaked from his slight dad bod and he logged onto Twitch. It had been years since he had been on since he started a family. He had married, adopted, then divorced but was still the boy who helped build a school.

"Will I get to see the school you helped build Papi?"
"I was actually planning on sending you there since your Great Aunt Clara needs help around now."
"I'm glad we get to see her more now!"
"Are you going to stream Y/N?"
"I think I will. How many of you are?"

Ranboo, Tommy, and Wilbur said they were while everyone else was just hanging around. Everyone agreed to play a game and booted up their newer xboxes. Y/N hooked his up and connected to the server before clicking on the stream button. His followers received notifications that he was streaming, the title reading 'It's been a long, long time'.any of them immediately clicked on it and was greeted by the sight of a grinning face they hadn't seen in years.

"Hi guys, it's been a while. If you are new here my name is Y/N and I'm an old twitch streamer from the days of the dsmp."

Dream let out an 'oh God' and listened as the younger male as he talked with his chat. His daughters would giggle at some of them and he would quickly cover the chat at points so Jason couldn't see any cussing.

"Hey chat, could I ask for you to not cuss. My youngest doesn't need to hear that."
"Papi, what does Bitch mean?"
"Samantha, why don't you go make snacks with your sister. I'll get out my Uno cards for you two to play."
"Sure Papi, common baby. Let's get some cut up apples and celery."

Jason giggled as her sister picked her up and headed down stairs. Y/N stood up and walked over to a cabinet, picking up an older pack of cards. He also set up a permanent fort for his girls and sat back down at the desk. He set up a filter for chat and answered questions sent in by donations.

'Googie donated £10 - Where did you go for so long?'
"I found a wife and got married. We adopted Samantha when she was eleven and a year later we adopted Jason."
"If your married where I'd your wife, we would like to meet her!"
"I got divorced a few months ago. She had been cheering on me the whole time and I couldn't let my kids grow up with that. I'm glad to be back."
"Why did you ever stop Y/N?"
"She made me. I had to get a normal job and ended up retiring not too long ago since I got hurt to the point my body doesn't function the best."
"Papi! We got snacks! Aunt Clara says she is going to take a nap."
"Alright, I'll try keeping it down. You guys ready to play some mario cart five?"

They all agreed and started the game. Samantha went easy on her sister while they played and sometimes Jason would ask her dad what to do which he gladly would answer, willingly losing his place. The chat found it adorable and by the end of the first stream there was art of the three playing around. Soon the girls started calling the other streamers Uncle, and in some cases Grandpa, Philza. After awhile they had a meet up and it went well. Everyone caught up and had fun, some of them having kids and others retired. Soon the group of kids that were brought started talking about following in their parent's path. Samantha didn't follow through but Jason was determined. When she was old enough she had gained quite a following and ended up making her own SMP that had a storyline. A few years after getting popular Clara had died peacefully in her sleep and the funeral was small but beautiful. Only people close to the family came, and even then some didn't show. T.che girls weren't too sad since she had been reaching an age to where she was barely able to get around, Y/N took it a bit tougher though. He was okay after a few months with he help of his friends and students. With few people on her SMP Jason looked for new people to add that she found had good skills.

'BabyBlue donated $12 - did you know if all the cats in the world meow at once it would sound like a jet engine?'
"No I didn't know that BabyBlue. That's cool to know."
'Blue donated $15 - did you just get fucking 'Blue'd?'

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