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Custard POV
We ran through the tall grass, it was really hard to see so we just followed Mushroom. I assumed they knew where to go.
"So um, where are you taking us?"
"Hmm? Oh! Uh, The Castle to get you some food."
"The sun is setting.." Pancake said.
"We'll I have a secret tree house that's on the way to the Castle, so we can stay there for the night."
"OOOH TREE HOUSES!!" Pancake screamed. I was pretty excited too. I loved tree houses.
When we got there, Mushroom climbed up the ladder first, then screamed,
"Come on up!"

Me and Pancake followed. It was a normal tree house size, it had a little bed, a nightstand with a lantern, and a rug.
"Here it is!" They smiled.
"Wow.... I LOVE IT!!" Pancake screamed. He went up and grabbed their hands.
"So um... where will we sleep?" I asked.
"Ummm.... Oh! I actually have some sleeping bags in my nightstand!" They shuffled over to the nightstand and pulled out two sleeping bags.

"Here you go!" We grabbed the sleeping bags and laid them down on the ground.
"I hope you don't mind, but I'm sleeping on the bed." Mushroom said.
"Ok." I replied. I got into the bag,
"Goodnight." I said
"Goodnight!" Mushroom said
"Goodnight." Pancake said tiredly.
In about 10 minutes both of them were asleep. It was going to take me a bit longer. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. I could hear the grass swooshing, and the crickets chirping. It was a clear night so the moon was bright.

I was right about to fall asleep when I heard someone say,
"Ugh that stupid child. Why do they work with us anyways, it's not like they help that much..."
I jolted up. I crawled over to the entrance. I saw a gray cookie, in a dark cloak and black locks covering one of his eyes. I gasped. I think he heard me because he looked up and stared at me. I whimpered and crawled to a corner in the back of the house. I heard the ladder creaking, he was coming up.

When he was in the house, he scanned the whole room and looked at me, then he started stomping towards me.
"Who are you." He said in a quiet dark voice.
"I-I uh.... I'm- I'm Custard Cookie.."
He squinted at me. Then grabbed my shirt.
"What are you doing in Poison Mushroom's house..?"
"They-uh..." my voice started shaking.
"They invited us into their tree house."
"Us?" Oops, I said us.
"Well.. um.. me and my friend- uh, Pancake." I pointed at him. The cookie walked up to him and kicked him awake.
"OW!" He screamed, Mushroom started to open his eyes.

"Why are you two here? Why are you goody two shoes hanging out with Poison Mushroom??"
"Licorice!" Poison Mushroom yelled. Licorice turned around and looked at them.
"Why are you yelling at my friends?"
"Friends?? They're intruders!!"
"No they're not. They're running away! I met them so I invited them in!" Licorice slapped his hand onto his face and sighed.
"Poison Mushroom... these two are on the bad side!! REMEMBER WHO YOU'RE WORKING FOR!! DARK ENCHANTRESS COOKIE!! They don't believe in Dark Enchantress Cookie's beliefs!"
"But they're nice and friendly! They only want a place to stay! And they're hungry! Ooh! I have an idea! Come here." He motioned for Licorice to come closer and whispered something into his ear.

"And you have to PROMISE, that you won't tell anyone that they're here..."
"Hmmm.... Uhhhh... fine, deal."
"Yay! Pinky Promise!" He held out their pinky. Licorice blushed and wrapped his pinky around the child.
"Good, we'll leave Tomorrow morning. You can stay with us for tonight!" Licorice grabbed a sleeping bag and put it down in the corner, away from me and Pancake. He laid down and went to sleep.

"Hey Custard, Pancake, I'll explain what we're doing tomorrow, ok?"
Me and Pancake nodded,
"Ok" then we all laid down and went to sleep

Princess POV
Me and Chili Pepper started walking back to the kingdom. The sun was setting. No sign of they boys.
"Where could they have gone!"  Chili Pepper exclaimed. "You don't think... they went into the dark area, so you?" She looked at me. I thought about it for a second. If none of the other cookie have seen them then it might just be a possibility.
"Oh nooooo. Ughhhh" she mumbled and pulled on her face. I rolled my eyes. It was her fault the kids were missing and here she is, the most concerned.

*When they got back to the Kingdom*
It was about dark. Almost all the other cookies were there already.
"Any sign of them?" I asked. They all shook their head and murmured no. I sighed.
"Us neither." Then all of a sudden Blackberry, Adventurer, and Onion cookie came running out of the woods.
"Princess!!" Adventurer called, and Blackberry held up something that looked like... Custard's Crown.. I ran over to them, and fell at their feet. I got up and grabbed the object Blackberry was holding.

It was in fact Custard's Crown.
"We found this on a rock near the dark forest.."
"The dark forest looks scary.." Onion cookie cried. Tears formed to my own eyes, as the thought of the Dark Cookies hurting or Cookienapping Custard.. or worse. My sadness grew into anger as I turned around and faced Chili Pepper. I stomped over to her.
"Look what they found!" I held up Custard's crown in her face.

She gasped.
"Look what you did! They found this by the DARK FOREST!! YOU WERE RIGHT!! The boys went into the Dark Forest.. OR WORSE!! Brought into the dark forest.. if you know what I mean.." Her eyes widen at me as she stumbled.
"No... no, no, no, no, no.. they're not dead.."
"Let's hope not!" I screamed. Seeing her full of guilt after what she did made me feel bad, but also upset. Why would she yell at Custard in the first place? To my knowledge he didn't do anything!

My hand formed into fists.
"We.. how.... We need to go now!" She yelled and started running towards the forest, but I tripped her.

She got up and the next thing I knew my fist went and punched her. To be specific an uppercut.

She stumbled back, Tripping and falling once again. She laid on the ground for like a minute.
"Oopsie.." I chuckled. When she did get up she wobbled a little bit before saying between her teeth.
"What.. the fuck Princess.."
"Oh! Sorry about that! My hand just kinda went and punched ya." I heard someone walk up behind me. I think it was Knight cookie.

"That FUCKING HURT!" She screamed. I shrugged my shoulders. She growled. She lifted her hand to hit me, but Knight Cookie came and smacked her and away. She stumbled back.
"Don't touch the Princess." He said
Chili Pepper stomped to her house and slammed her door shut.
"Thanks Knight." I did a curtsy. He bowed down.
"Anything for m'lady."
I walked towards the castle.

I hoped that Custard and Pancake were okay.

I just wanted them to come home..


So um yea shoutout to Bobman23 for the idea of Princess uppercutting Chili Pepper

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