Chapter 5

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The boys were shown jumping from tree to tree, using stealth mode to stay hidden. Though it was mostly Jake and Ranger while Rocky and Nobby were barely keeping up by now due to exhaustion. 

Finally, the boys arrived outside the settlers camp. 

"Get down" Ranger ordered Jake. 

"You get down" Jake ordered back. 

Rocky and Nobby soon came up behind the two turkeys. 

"Oh, good..." Nobby panted, being out of breath. "For a second there, I thought I was going to regurgitate my heart"

"Shhh!" Jake, Ranger, and Rocky all warned the young rooster as they hid in the branches, looking into the settlers camp. 

Jake used his wings again to act as binoculars when he spotted the settlers setting up centerpieces on a big long table. 

"This can't be good" Rocky whispered. 

"Thanksgiving is happening tomorrow" Jake realized. 

Ranger then spotted the hunters coming back. "The hunters are returning"

The boys watched as the hunters went into a tiny shack. 

Rocky squinted his eyes towards it, wondering. "If only we could see what's inside that shack" 

"I for one don't want to know" Nobby spoke up, being the chicken that he was. 

"That's the weapons shed where they keep all their boomsticks and the boom powder" Ranger explained. "Without their weapons, they are weak and afraid" 

"Rocky?... Nobby?..."

Rocky and Nobby looked around swearing they just heard Ginger call their names. They then looked down seeing the British hen right below them waving her wings to them. The two roosters carefully climbed down the tree, leaving Jake and Ranger behind. 

"What are you doing here?!" Rocky said to his mate. "You're gonna get us spotted!"

"Unless you want us to spend our first Thanksgiving on somebody's dinner platter!" Nobby told his sister sarcastically. 

"Guys! We were out springing the traps when Standish found us. Reggie and Jenny managed to get away but... Standish knows about the time machine" Ginger explained to her boys, making them gasp. 

"Oh, no, no, no, no! This is not good. It's terrible!" Nobby appeared to be molting, which happened whenever he had a panic attack. "This could be the end of the world! Or worse... Us!"

"We better warn the flock" Rocky advised. 

Ginger firmly nodded to her mate and with that they took off back towards the hideout. 

By the time they arrived night had fallen over the valley. The chickens were jogging up the hill to the turkeys' hideout when they spotted Reggie and Jenny up ahead. 

"Look, there's Reggie!" Nobby pointed out before being tackled to the ground by Rocky. 

"Get down!" Rocky whispered loudly with Ginger joining them. 

They watched in silence as it looked like the two turkeys where having their own private conversation. It turns out Reggie was offering to take Jenny back to the future with him. But Jenny had to decline, saying that she could never leave her flock, espically with the hunters after them. 

The chickens frowned upon hearing this. But before Reggie could speak to Jenny while her back was turned, Jake appeared out of nowhere and dragged Reggie away. The chickens quickly followed after the two male turkeys into the woods. 

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