Ch 9-The Casino Mission Part 1

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"Hunter, I did not agree to this. Th-this clone,... is completely out of control," Tech complained.
"I don't have time to argue with you, Tech. We have to go and I need you to watch Omega."
Tech stared angrily towards Wrecker and Jaylen as they sat on the back of a speeder. Echo was already gone for the first part of the mission so he was left to watch Omega. Any other time he wouldn't have minded, but... Jaylen had brought back two dozen donuts and Omega had snarfed down over half before anyone found her. Now she was bouncing off the walls.
"Jaylen should be the one to watch her since she brought the donuts!" Tech said as he stomped angrily and turned away.
"Come on Tech! I have a surprise for you!" Omega yelled from the ship.
Tech just shook his head and muttered as he walked up the ramp, only to be bombarded with foam balls. Jaylen tried not to laugh as they sped away.

As they drove deeper into the city, their surrounding became more threatening. The vendor stalls had all but disappeared and nearly everyone had a blaster.
"Why did I have to come this time?" Jaylen asked Wrecker once again as they stopped at the meeting point. Wrecker scowled before he answered Jaylen. "You're arm candy for Hunter, I'm the muscle, and Echo is the surveillance. I don't like it," he said as he put away their riding gear.
Jaylen looked towards Hunter and then back to Wrecker. She stepped closer to him and raised a hand to his face. "Hey, it will be ok. And you know I only have eyes for you," she said as she caressed his cheek.
Wrecker handed her shawl to her and she draped it over her shoulders. She secured the small blade she carried in her thigh holster under her dress. Hunter turned to her and asked, "You ready?"
She nodded and took his arm he offered as they made their way to the entrance of the casino. Hunter was dressed in a fancy looking tuxedo that had gold and read piping adorning the sleeves and lapels. A short neck tie completed the look and Jaylen made him slick back his hair. He also wore dark glasses to help with all the lights bombarding his eyes, and they added to the mystery of his person. Wrecker followed two or three steps behind them, constantly scanning the surroundings with his one good eye. Jaylen had managed to disguise Wrecker's scars with some creative paint. She made him have the face of a tiger with almond shaped eyes, and darker stripes of color that covered his bare head. She thought he looked quite attractive with a feline appearance. He was so huge and menacing no one would dare to ask what species he was.
Jaylen herself was wearing a teal dress that showed off her spots and blue highlights in her hair. She looked stunning and Wrecker couldn't believe he was so lucky to have her in his life. As soon as they approached the entrance she began to relay their position to Echo. "We're in and headed to the bar," she said softly. The females of tonight's gala were exquisitely dressed and adorned like peafowl on parade. There were gold halos wired into dresses, diamonds and other jewels around their necks. Shimmering fabrics rustled as the women walked to and fro, laughing or smiling. Jaylen couldn't believe how much wealth went into their clothing. Just one bracelet could fuel their ship for a year. "Stay focused, Jaylen," Hunter said to her as he stroked her face. He could see she was staring at all the women. She didn't notice the men who had also been ogling her and Hunter. "Remember, we sit down, get what we need, and then we are out," Hunter said to her as he handed her a drink.
Jaylen hummed in response and wrinkled her nose at the strong taste of alcohol. She was never one to drink and hadn't picked up the habit. She had never seen Hunter or any of the others drink anything stronger than caf.
"You're target has arrived," Echo said into their ear pieces. Jaylen and Hunter both turned at the same time to see a man walk into the casino lobby surrounded by bodyguards. "That's him," Hunter confirmed. They were looking for a Rodian war lord and they found him surrounded by other Rodians and other species of body guards. "Wow, there's a lot of them," Jaylen said as she took another gulp of her drink.
"We don't need to worry. We'll go in and have drinks with him," Hunter whispered to her.
Hunter turned back to the bar and ordered another drink. Then he had a tray of drinks delivered to the Rodian, named Hormm Chanda and his body guards. They had gone to the VIP section that was roped off. Not just anyone would be allowed in.
"Come on, let's go play the tables," Hunter said to her. He offered her his arm again and she walked gracefully along with him. Wrecker stayed at the bar, sipping on his drink, wishing he could be the one to walk with Jaylen. They went to a black jack table and Hunter set down some coins. Jaylen stood behind him, off to the side, lazily hanging onto him. She wanted to appear to be a flirty type of girl and play up his stance of being an Alpha male. It seemed to be working as others gathered around to watch Hunter at the table. After a while, one of the large body guards from the Rodian's circle approached Hunter. "Mr. Chanda will see you now," he said in a deep voice.
Hunter collected his coins from the table and followed the body guard to the VIP section. The lights were turned down low, and the music was louder. There were only a few gaming tables in the room as the buy ins were very large amounts of credits. Wrecker followed at a distance, catching up to the small group. A guard at the doorway of the VIP section put a hand up to Wrecker, signaling him he couldn't come in.
"He's with us," Hunter said.
"No weapons," the guard said.
"He doesn't need any," Hunter said with a smirk.
The guard eyed Jaylen up and down, and deciding her dress was too tight fighting for a hidden blaster, didn't search her. Jaylen was more than thankful since she had been so nervous about the mission. The few drinks at the bar had helped to calm her nerves some, but she was still very aware of the danger they were in.
They walked along plush carpets, past other high paying clients, and finally to a small sitting area where Hormm Chanda was sitting with a female.
"I hope you are enjoying yourselves tonight," he said while he sipped on a drink.
"Very much so, thank you," Hunter said.
"So what can I do for you? I haven't heard of you before, Tidun Rhosi," Hormm said.
Jaylen couldn't tell whether or not the Rodian was suspicious of them or not. He probably was suspicious of everyone since he was a war lord.
"I like to keep a low profile and so do my clients," Hunter said with an even tone.
Hormm eyed Jaylen next to him, and said, "It must be hard to keep a low profile with such a beautiful female by your side." He moved forward and extended his hand to Jaylen where he grasped it and kissed the top of her hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss...?"
"Bri, just Bri," she said with a small smile and blush.
Wrecker was standing a few feet behind them and he just gritted his teeth at the interaction. He didn't want anyone touching Jaylen.
"I have others where she came from. She is with me for just for the week," Hunter said as he sat back in his seat, trying to appear disinterested in Jaylen. He had to play the part of a cunning businessman if he was going to get what he needed from Hormm.
Hormm sat back in his seat and grasped his drink again. "Back to business. What do you have for me?"
Hunter slowly opened pulled his suit coat back and reached inside for a credits puck. "I have ten thousand credits. I was told you had information on Imperial supply routes. Not just goods, but their officers, too."
He laid the puck on the table in front of them.
"I do have those routes, but what's in it for me beside a few thousand credits? How many routes do you want? One is worth twice what you're offering me," he said coldly.
"That's not what I heard and I would hate to ruin your reputation. The information is worth 15 at the most," Hunter countered.
Hormm studied hunter for a moment, glancing briefly at Wrecker. Then his gaze shifted to Jaylen who was oblivious to his gaze. "I'll take 15, and the girl, in exchange for two routes," Hormm said.
Hunter paused a beat, not sure what to do. Hormm Chanda was a ruthless businessman. He was wealthy beyond measure because people feared him. The Galactic Empire left him to his own devices in this sector as long as their cargo ships and settlements were left unmolested.
Hunter took a sip of his drink and said, "She's not part of the deal."
"I thought we were negotiating," Hormm said.
"I can get you more credits but she stays with me."
Hunter could hear the pounding of Jaylen's heart and noticed a slight tremor in her hand. She knew if she stayed with Hormm she would never come back out alive.
"Don't waste my time," Hormm said with an even tone. "I've never heard of you because you didn't exist until tonight. I couldn't care less who you are as long as I get paid and get the girl."
The air grew thick with tension as Jaylen carefully set her drink on the table. She calmly folded her hands in her lap while her eyes darted from Hunter to Hormm. Wrecker had been fidgeting earlier, but now he was completely still as a stone with his eyes locked on Hormm Chanda.
Hunter laid back on the small couch, still appearing to be unfazed by Hormm's aggression. "I'll give you 15, but not because you asked so nicely. I keep the girl and we leave here with out any problems. You're going to do this because I happen to be a nice guy. And, I wouldn't want to mess up your pretty lounge here." Hunter leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I have a sniper trained on you right now. All I have to do is give the signal and you'll be splattered across the couches. And if you give us any trouble on the way out, your reputation will be ruined and your dealings with the Empire will be exposed to the highest levels."
Hormm swallowed thickly and then sighed. His shoulders slumped as he drew out the disc with the information. He tossed it to the table and Hunter nodded his head to Jaylen to pick it up. "Pleasure doing business with you," Hunter said as he and Jaylen stood to leave. Wrecker kept his eyes on Hormm, to see if he would signal any of his goons.
Jaylen clung to Hunter's arm as they walked out of the VIP section. Wrecker wasn't far behind as angled his body so he could still see Hormm's guards. They were nearly to the front entrance when there was a commotion behind. Hormm had changed his mind. "Get them!" the Rodian yelled as he pointed at Hunter, Jaylen, and Wrecker. Immediately Hunter and Wrecker ran. Wrecker scooped Jaylen in his arms and took off behind Hunter, barreling through the crowds of people. There was screaming and crashing of glass with the occasional blaster bolt whizzing past their heads.
"Well, it was a good plan while it lasted," Echo said in their ears. "Do you want me to blow it?" he asked.
"Yes! Yes! Blow it!" Hunter called as he continued to dodge through the crowds. There was a muffled boom followed by screams and then some smoke. A few columns of the casino came crashing down as people ran for their lives.
Hunter and Wrecker arrived at the speeder and jumped on with Wrecker placing Jaylen in front of him. She started to shake a little as the last time she was on a speeder she was blown up. "You're ok, Angel, I've go-" Wrecker was cut short as a blaster bolt hit his shoulder causing Jaylen to scream. "Hunter! Wrecker is hit!" She held onto his arm as he slumped over on her.
"Just go! I'll hold them off," Hunter yelled to her.
Jaylen bit back her tears as she pressed the accelerator on the speeder. Wrecker was groaning in pain as he tried to hold on. Jaylen wasn't used to driving at such high speeds with the extra weight. She swung turns too wide, crashing into several corners and vendor stands. "Ah, Wrecker! Hold on!" she called to him.
They were getting closer to the ship and Jaylen dared to look behind her. No one was pursuing them so she slowed down. But that gave enough space for a henchmen to catch up to them and shoot at her with his blaster. A bolt hit the speeder bike before one hit her also. Wrecker, Jaylen, and the speeder went tumbling over a vendor stand and into a wall where they came to a stop. The goon stopped his speeder and then turned around to go back to the casino.

Jaylen felt pain all over her body along with a warm wetness dripping into her eyes. She felt like she was in the fire back at the factory. Except now there was a voice calling to her. "Mesh'la? Mesh'la? Wake up."
She carefully opened her eyes as her abdomen was stabbed with pain. "Wrecker?" she groaned.
"I'm right here, Angel," he said.
Jaylen was on her back, her hand held on her abdomen as blood was seeping through her clothes. Wrecker was leaning on his good arm as he lay next to her in the midst of the rubble, while he was holding pressure on her wound as he waited for help. "Don't try to move, Angel. Echo will come get us." He stroked her face tenderly and moved the hair away from her eyes. He continued to move away rubble and debris that was on her or close to her. He ripped his shirt and wiped away the blood on her face. Jaylen watched him with watery eyes. "Wrecker, you looked so handsome tonight. I forgot to tell you," she whispered.
"Don't speak, just rest," Wrecker said back to her as he kissed her cheek. His heart was already racing because of the explosion, but now it was more pronounced.
"I just want you to know I'm so glad we're together. I love you, Wrecker," she said so softly.
Wrecker fished his communicator out of his pocket. It wasn't damaged so he commed Echo and Tech. "Hurry up guys! She's bleeding a lot!" He was angry with himself for getting shot and for her being wounded.
She stroked the side of his face, tracing the scar on his lip up to his ear. She was in shock and not aware of her dire situation. Wrecker was patting her body, looking for other injuries as he whispered sweet nothings to her. His vision began to fade as he was losing blood also. She allowed her eyes to flicker closed sine she felt so safe in Wrecker's arms. Wrecker soon followed, his body slumped over hers.

Hunter arrived not a minute later to find his brother slumped over Jaylen. If it wasn't for their torn and blood stained clothes it looked like they were sleeping. Hunter was never one to worry about his brother, but seeing the amount of blood shining on his dark suit coat caused his heart to race.


"Wrecker! Calm down! Let me finish stitching you up!" Tech scolded him.
"I have to see her!" he complained Hunter pushed him back into his seat.
"She's going to be fine. Cid brought a doctor and they said Jaylen was fine."
The blaster bolt had gone straight through her, missing vital organs. She had just lost a lot of blood and was banged up from the crash.
Hunter leaned in a little closer and said in a low voice to Wrecker, "You're scaring Omega. Calm down, please."
Echo had Omega in the room next door, but his shouts carried through the thin walls.
Wrecker sat back down in regret, muttering, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Don't let this happen again. You guys owe me big time," Cid said as she poked Hunter in the chest.
He didn't say anything but just nodded as she left.

Cid had arranged for the clones to stay in a small apartment complex in Ord Mantell. It wasn't from the kindness of her heart but rather to keep the clones away from her parlor.

Grunting with pain, Wrecker did his best to wash the blood and dirt off his body. He changed into clean clothes and then gently peeked into the room where Jaylen was resting. Omega was already standing by the bed, holding Jaylen's hand as tears gathered in her eyes.
"She'll wake up right?" Omega asked as Wrecker walked over.
"She will. The doctor said she was ok. It just looks bad, but she'll be ok," Wrecker said as he knelt down and hugged her shoulder with his good arm. Jaylen looked so small and frail in the bed sheets. Her dress had been cut off of her and the doctor had dressed her in a white sleep shirt.
"You should get some rest, Wrecker," Omega said as she turned to him. Wrecker rested his head on Omega'a as his heart was warmed by her wanting to take care of him.
There were extra blankets and pillows in the room. Wrecker pulled back the covers and Omega climbed in next to Jaylen. She curled up next to her to provide extra warmth and Wrecker made a bed on the floor. He wanted to be the first to see her when she woke up.

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