The Arrival

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The carriage that took Erik from Paris to Domfront was comfortable and more importantly: concealing. It was not that he feared society, as he used to. Now, he feared his fame and the infamy of his mask getting him noticed and harassed. He had both of the black curtains pulled and the top up on the carriage. He peered out every now and then to check the scenery. The more the houses dwindled and the scenery became more green, Erik was not sure if this situation would fit him better or worse. In Paris, he could not leave the opera house during the day, with the streets so crowded with people. That may not be the case in a smaller town. However, in Paris, his mask, and everything that came with it was accepted, to a degree, due to its being attached to his music. This might not be the case in the country, children might snigger at him, young ladies might whisper to one another about his appearance, someone might even attempt to unmask him. His mind was soothed when he realised that this would only be an issue were he to enter the town and general society. And he was in fact only visiting his friend and the Daaé house. He allowed himself to sit back and relax, determined to seek some solace during his trip.

Daroga was eager to see his friend again. Although he knew that his temper might flare and that he might appear cold, Erik would not be visiting if he did not care for him. He wandered through town, searching for the finest wine and cheese for his friend's visit.

Whilst walking through town, he noticed Christine Daaé and her delightful friend Meg Giry, leaving the bookstore. They giggled as they looked down at one of the books they had purchased. Daroga looked at Meg as she walked past the fountain in the town square. Her hair appeared golden in the sunlight and her smile shone as her laughter rang out in a melody. Christine noticed the man staring and soon, both Christine and Meg were looking at Daroga, in hopes of an explanation. Daroga simply bowed and began walking the other way. Both women curtsied before they chuckled amongst themselves.

Daroga took a moment to regain his composure. With his basket clung to his chest, he wondered how he could be so foolish? He had openly stared at her in public, as if that was a proper thing to do! He shook his head and chuckled softly at his stupidity. He hoped he could improve his manners before Erik arrived, although he knew manners meant very little to him.

The coach halted. Erik peered out of his window and saw Daroga waiting for him, outside of his modest home. He waited a few moments before leaving the carriage. He did not expect Daroga to be so welcoming. He patted Erik on the back and led him into the home.

Daroga's home was light and simply decorated. It was the polar opposite to Erik's home back at the Opera de la Populare. Daroga could tell that Erik felt uncomfortable in his well lit abode.
"I know it might not be what you are used to. But I hope that you will be comfortable during your short stay here." Erik wanted to sulk on his own. But, not wanting to offend his generous guest, smiled at him, from behind his mask.
"Thank you, Daroga. Although your home is modest, I can appreciate its beauty. As you know, I am not yet adapted to being in public." Erik explained, trying to soothe his host's anxieties.
"I understand completely. I have not planned anything for our time together, not knowing if you would want to be out in society." Erik was grateful for his host's thoughtful nature. He took this opportunity to sit down on the sofa in the living room.
"I have, in fact, made plans to make a visit whilst I am with you." Erik announced, feeling proud of himself as he puffed his chest ever so slightly. Daroga sat down in disbelief and looked at Erik with a quizzical expression on his face.
"To whom, may I ask?" Erik smiled, glad that he was inquisitive.
"To a man named Daaé" He announced with pride. Daroga let his mouth fall open, Erik was going to visit the Daaé residence? The Phantom was going to visit Gustav Daaé? He couldn't dream of a world where this could be borne.
"What purpose could send you to Gustav Daaé?" Daroga asked. Erik began to wonder if perhaps Monsieur Daaé was not the man he had made himself out to be.
"I am going to listen to his music. He has requested my opinion, as an 'expert' as he put it." The situation became clear now to Daroga. The fact of Daaé being a composer had eluded his mind, but with this information it was perfectly reasonable for Erik to visit Monsieur Daaé.
"I see. I hope you find his style to your tastes." Erik grunted a noise of agreement.

Christine and her Father sat down for dinner the night before the prestigious Monsieur Giry was to pay a visit to their home. He had given no time for his visit and this caused an anxiety in Gustav that Christine wished she could soothe.
"Meg and I went into town today, Papa." She remarked. Her father pretended to be vaguely interested.
"We saw Monsieur Daroga looking at Meg. I felt very uncomfortable indeed." The mention of Daroga perked Monsieur Daaé's ears up.
"Did you say you saw Monsieur Daroga, my dear?" He asked enthusiastically. She nodded, her mouth filled with soup.
"Monsieur Daroga is the friend with which Monsieur Giry is to stay." He stated matter-of-factly.
"Is he indeed?" Asked Christine. Upon her Father's nod, she remarked:
"That must be why he had so much cheese and wine in his basket." Her father nodded silently and Christine knew that there was nothing she could say to soothe his nerves.

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